Marshall Scholarship/life at Cornell/life at Oxford (80s/90s)

Sep 22, 2014 23:30

Timeline: starts at Cornell in '89, Marshall Scholar in '93 ( Read more... )

1980-1989, usa: education: higher education, uk: education, 1990-1999

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learnsslowly September 28 2014, 18:47:24 UTC
I can't help you with the US end of it, but at about the time you are writing about, a friend who had just graduated from Cambridge married her boyfriend who if I recall correctly was still an undergraduate at that time. Being married got them a flat (kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom and if I recall correctly a slip of a room that you could just put a bed or a desk, but not both in.). The size was quite generous - certainly the combined floor area would be bigger than twice the area you would expect 2 single student to have. To facilitate this, she took a teacher training course at the university though she had no expectation of using it to teach. Normally for a graduate, this course would be one year course, but she chose to convert from a science subject that is always short of teachers that she did her degree in, to another subject, also short of teachers, so that she could do the two year conversion PGCE course not the 1 year PGCE and be a student of the university while her husband completed his degree. Once she had married, parental income would not be taken into account for student maintenance grant purposes and her husband's income was of course only his maintenance grant, so she got a grant. I think this aspect would be different for your characters but the accommodation might be the same.

Oxford is a bigger city, so renting a privately owned flat, or a couple of rooms in a shared house might be more possible -you could decide how geographically separated you want them - from yards to a couple of miles.


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