a sweatshop disguised as a highly automated factory

May 21, 2014 12:40

(Setting: AU resembling the contemporary northeastern USA ( Read more... )

~refugees, ~economics (misc), ~law enforcement (misc), ~scams, ~organized crime

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fairest1 May 23 2014, 14:48:02 UTC
If he's telling everyone it'll revitalize the economy, then there'll be a lot of locals applying for jobs; in areas like that, it'll draw attention if no locals get hired at all. If the area is really badly off, he might be able to cover his tracks a bit if he hires locals as guards and so forth only if they sign an NDA -- agree not to tell anyone about the sweatshop, get a decent job. People have agreed to worse for the sake of keeping a job.

Ideally, he'll be able to avoid having them rise up against him or something by treating them fairly well -- decent food, ventilated work area, maybe some underground apartments so they have personal living space when off-shift. Maybe a variant of the old company stores -- if they hit a certain quota, they get credits to use in a shop for little luxuries. Perhaps tell them (lying or otherwise) that if they put in a certain number of years, he'd use his various illegal contacts to get them documentation so they can live in the country(with a letter of reference to help get a legit job). If he's going with skilled laborers then he'd do well to keep them happy.


sethg_prime May 23 2014, 15:05:00 UTC
Good points-thanks!


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