1745 Jacobite Rebellion

May 10, 2014 19:35

I found in the book by Daiches (below) that Bonnie Prince Charlie was related, through his mother, to Queen Marie Leczinska of France. I haven't been able to find out the exact relationship. Can anyone help?

Also, Gaelic speakers, and I have no idea how to search for this: Are boats referred to as “she” in Gaelic?

Research - Some trawling about on the net, including ancestry.com, which is less helpful than I'd hoped; ditto Wikipedia.
Books - Daiches: Charles Edward Stuart
Duffy: The '45
Louda and MacLachlan: Lines of Succession
Taute: Kings and Queens of Great Britain

Thank-you for any help!

poland: history, france: history, 1740-1749, uk: scotland: history, ~languages: celtic

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