Background of an 'Alian Romanov'

May 07, 2014 12:12

Hey guys! Long time lurker, first time poster. If I get anything wrong, sorry!

SETTING: Turn of the century Russian Empire
SEARCH TERMS: Alian name meaning ; Alian name origin ; Alian Russian name ; Alian Jewish ; Alianovna [which brought me back to the character I'm trying to research FOR, oops] ; variations of all of the above

In both the Marvel comics and movies, the character of Natasha Romanoff has as her full, original name 'Natalia Alianovna Romanova'. As 'Alian' is one of the more obscure names, for the past two years, every few months or so, I've been trying to find out a likely background for her father. I've googled every combination of the search terms listed above, but either I've just hit babyname sites, or a handful of references on a couple of ancestry sites - with most of the info behind paywells. I've managed to pin down that 'Alian' can be both a Jewish and Muslim name, and that 'Alian Romanov' isn't an unheard of combination for some men living in the US circa 1940 (the US just happening to be where I got some info on). I've seen mention in some comments about Natasha's background that 'Alian' struck someone as being Persian, and when I asked a Russian fannish friend, she said that it didn't seem to mean anything to her.

So! My questions are: assuming Natasha was born 1928, in Stalingrad/current-day-Volgograd [as per comics] with a father called Alian Romanov, what's a possible background for him? Would he be Jewish? An immigrant or someone from a different region of Russia who adopted a more Russian surname? (Keeping in mind his daughter is a fair-skinned, blue/green-eyed redhead). His parents just happened to really, really like obscure names? I tend to see him as older when Natasha is born, but that's pretty flexible.

Any ideas? Or any ideas of where else to look?

russia (misc), 1900-1909, russia: history, ~names, 1890-1899

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