Gatling gun injuries & most importantly evidence

Feb 26, 2013 21:49

Hi, I've had a dig through the injuries to order tag and have a pretty good grip on the type of injuries I want but having have googled every variation I can think of around Gatling guns, ballistics, gun shot wounds, historic injuries I still can't make sense of the part about how someone would tell how the victim got injured. All I seem to get is ( Read more... )

1860-1869, ~weapons: firearms, ~medicine: injuries: gunshot wounds, ~medicine: injuries: historical, ~psychology & psychiatry: ptsd

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lindaross February 27 2013, 15:06:23 UTC

Victorian medicine was actually pretty good at major injuries like this - if he's hit in the shoulder and femur and doesn't die quickly of blood loss, his Victorian friends aren't going to write him off at all. Not that you can't shoot him there, but it's not going to cause his friends to assume he'll die.


tarvae February 27 2013, 17:14:41 UTC
It has to be said that in the context of things 'friends' is possibly not the best word...superiors is probably better.

Agreed that they were able to treat major trauma back then but it was mostly by the method of amputation under ether anaesthesia and pray it doesn't get infected.


nuranar February 27 2013, 17:33:10 UTC
Not solely by amputation. They did have disinfectants and they knew how to use them - a lot more than just prayer.


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