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carmarthen February 13 2013, 20:11:12 UTC
OTOH, most of the actual participants in the insurrection of 1832 were pardoned entirely to preserve civil peace. Valjean's case is...complicated.


inmh February 13 2013, 20:57:47 UTC
They were pardoned? Huh. If we're being perfectly honest, this is for the Les Misérables fandom, and so that may benefit me with other fic-ly endeavors... Thank you! :D


carmarthen February 13 2013, 21:16:54 UTC
There was some meta about this going around on Tumblr...let me see if I can find it. Basically, the Amis who died in the book are a ridiculously high percentage of the people who actually died in the real 1832 insurrection. (Wiki: Total casualties in the rising were about 800. The army and national guard lost 73 killed and 344 wounded; on the insurgent side there were 93 killed and 291 wounded.)

Gah, I can't find it. Wikipedia has this:

A man named Michael Geoffroy was charged with starting the rebellion by waving the red flag. He was initially sentenced to death, but a series of legal manoeuvres led to much reduced prison sentence. Later trials led to some other death sentences, but all were commuted.

Several rebels took the opportunity to deliver republican speeches at their trial. Republicans used the trials to build support for their cause, emphasising the trial of Charles Jeanne, one of the leaders who proudly defended his actions. He was convicted and imprisoned, becoming a republican martyr after dying in prison in 1837. ( ... )


inmh February 13 2013, 23:44:53 UTC

*COUGH* Sorry.

That does make a lot of sense. Killing people only would have angered anyone who might hold some resentment (but not enough to necessarily start a revolution over). AAAND gives me more ideas for an alternative to what I was going to write, so thank you again for the info!


carmarthen February 13 2013, 23:53:11 UTC
I'm sure he had Reasons for all the tragic deaths! And of course people who resisted to the last did generally get shot in the process, but I think you could very easily come up with an AU where they get captured or surrender instead.

(There's also some interesting stuff out there about the Suretê's involvement in the whole thing, and possibly trying to stir things up further. I have trouble imagining Javert being part of the Suretê, since Vidocq still has a warrant out on him and it would be rather hypocritical since Javert's after Valjean for similar reasons, but if he's part of a different branch of the police, there's some interesting potential there, too.)

Basically it is a super-interesting political situation all around. :D


luna_glass_wall February 14 2013, 08:06:02 UTC
I will never ever forgive Victor Hugo for killing everyone at the barricades except Marius, or the musical for following the book to the letter on that point.


inmh February 14 2013, 18:15:46 UTC


carmarthen February 15 2013, 05:41:26 UTC
You might find some of 10littlebullets's resources here useful:



http://www.chanvrerie.net/history/judicial.html (much of it deals with 1830, but still relevant)
http://www.chanvrerie.net/history/56june.html (very good summary of the revolt and the aftermath)


marycatelli February 13 2013, 23:12:09 UTC
Windows were REALLY expensive back then, so we are discussing a man causing substantial property damage in the course of a theft.

I've also heard that he was armed, and that the family was home at the time of the theft.

Those would add up to serious jail time even nowadays.


inmh February 13 2013, 23:46:13 UTC
THAT'S a bit of context the musical left out (I'm still working on the book). I can see why he got five years initially.


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