Does a drug like this exist?

Jan 18, 2013 11:59

My current project is set in a slightly advanced Victorian era with steampunk technology. One of the main characters was a drug addict who had recently escaped from an asylum, and for that I needed a new drug. So I created lethe ( Read more... )

~victorian era, ~medicine: drugs, ~recreational drugs, ~medicine: poisoning, ~medicine: historical

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ffutures January 20 2013, 10:07:53 UTC
See Kipling's story "In The Same Boat" (1911)

This has a fictional drug called Najdolene that might fit your needs. Real drugs around at the time include laudanum (dilute opium in alcohol), cocaine (used medicinally and recreationally by Sherlock Holmes etc.), codeine, morphine and heroin (1874)


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