Grouse hunting in Norway in the 1870s?

Dec 09, 2012 10:35

Hello, I've been trying to find an answer to this question for a few days now, and have tried numerous Google searches along the lines of "tourist hunting", "tourist hunting in Norway," "grouse hunting in Norway", and have even tried typing out the whole question in the Google search box, and so far haven't found anything relevant to my question. I've also searched Wikipedia for tourist hunting, which they do not have an article on (closest would be safari).

This may be a very obvious answer to a hunter, but I have never hunted myself, and all the sources I'm using (mainly, British travel guides to Norway from the nineteenth century) do not address this at all: what did tourists in Norway at this time period do with the birds they had shot after the hunt was over?

The reason I ask is because tourists in Norway at that time would not travel to a particular hunting ground and stay there for a while, but rather would travel from place to place down prescribed routes, staying only a day or two at any given location. The method of rural travel at the time, the carriole, was very small and light and did not allow travelers to take very much with them. They would stay the night at "stations", usually farmhouses adapted for the purpose of lodging travelers. So if hunters shot more than they could eat in a night or two, which seems from all my sources to have been often the case, would they have given the leftover birds to their hosts, or sold them to the locals, or something different?

If no one knows anything about such things in nineteenth century Norway, then I'd also appreciate information about such cases in modern day Norway, or in any other country they do have experience in. Thanks to anyone who can help me with this issue!

norway: history, 1870-1879

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