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liliaeth July 25 2012, 21:00:17 UTC
good, figure that I can at least use the TV. Just a bit worried that in most situations like this, the cops would cut the power, but I figure that there might be a generator, right?


mahasin July 25 2012, 20:58:10 UTC
The McDonalds and Burger Kings in Minneapolis on campus have TVs in them.


liliaeth July 25 2012, 21:01:53 UTC
thanks, that solves that problem at least. Now to make sure that there's a way to make sure the cops can't cut the power.


mahasin July 26 2012, 01:06:23 UTC
They had TVs, now that I think about it even the crappy McDonald's in DinkyTown had a TV. Granted this was 2004 when I was living there as a student, but it seems unlikely that they would take technology away.

If you story could take place on the U of M campus you could maybe make an excuse like it's connected to the Medical Center (there isn't a McDonalds that close to the Medical Center, but hey, it's fiction)


vanillafluffy July 25 2012, 21:25:42 UTC
Most McD's have wifi, someone could be streaming the news on their tablet.



liliaeth July 25 2012, 21:40:49 UTC
True, the only problem is that I don't see Sam and Dean allowing the hostages to keep phones and stuff like that to tell the cops what they're doing. And I want the hostages to see the scenes as well, so it can't just be Dean who's watching it.


thebonedawg July 26 2012, 13:02:44 UTC
Perhaps Sam has his own trusty laptop with him and sets it up to watch. Or if not, then takes someone else's to watch. But they could set it up in a way where everyone can see it.


rokeon July 25 2012, 22:56:25 UTC
I'm assuming you want the cops to try to negotiate so that there's time for the media to get the details and start running the footage? If you're flexible on the location, you could put it in a small town with an equally small police force that's just not equipped to handle the situation- as long as they're reasonably sure that their crazy murderers aren't actively killing or hurting the hostages, it would not be unreasonable for them to negotiate and stall for time while they waited for a SWAT team from a larger jurisdiction to gear up and drive over. Equally good reason for them not to cut the power, they're pretty sure that these guys aren't going to be talked down but they don't want to do anything to set them off before the snipers and such are in place.


anonymous July 26 2012, 00:59:10 UTC
Might want to check out the S2 episode Nightshifter for some help. They had to deal with the local cops and the Fed while "holding up a bank".

Shame about Henricksen, he would have made a nice ally.


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