Caning Bruises on a Healthy Young Man

Jun 07, 2012 22:40

I feel like this question HAS to have been asked before, but I went through the education tags, as well as Victorian era tags looking to see if anyone has asked anything similar and didn't find anything helpful...

Question under cut because it could be potentially triggering )

~victorian era, ~medicine: injuries (misc), ~flogging

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angelinw8ing13 June 8 2012, 12:50:09 UTC
So i am not in the lifestyle but I have a good friend that is, and after reading 50 shades she recommended a website that's a community for people who are, for educational purposes. (because everyone's definition of kink is very different.) you might be able to find some information there, you need to create a profile but like lj it's free. Again I can say I've only been on there to do some reading because I wanted to know how accurate the book was and try to wrap my head around why my friend is in this lifestyle... But I digress. Try I haven't encountered any weirdoes or anything and every seems very nice (granted I'm sure there are crazy people on there too just like lj) but i know they have a whole group dedicated to caning so you might be able to get some more in depth information there. Hope this helps.


lolmac June 8 2012, 12:58:36 UTC
Good point: Fetlife is an excellent resource for information on kink. Be careful, however, how you pose questions as an 'outsider' -- there have been enough people trying to mine the site for information for 'academic studies' that a lot of users are now wary.


angelinw8ing13 June 8 2012, 19:34:48 UTC
I'm sure you're right; I personally have not encountered anyone not willing to answer questions. But then again I haven't gone into the forms, I have stayed with talking to my friend's friends list.


lockea_stone June 8 2012, 14:53:12 UTC
Fetlife is an odd place and I do have an account over there (as a practicing Domme), but I wouldn't use it to ask academic questions since, like lolmac said, it's a very insular community and doesn't respond well to being asked those kinds of questions, even when it's one of their own doing the asking. At least with little-details, I know the practitioners here are ready and willing to answer questions, instead of just having those questions shoved on them by an outsider.

I'll check out the caning group though. Even though those kinds of groups are mostly the same TMI stories I've been finding on other BDSM websites (researching this has reminded me why I stick to fire play), they might have some useful information.


angelinw8ing13 June 8 2012, 19:39:25 UTC
Oh, well like I said I haven't experienced that but then again I have only really stuck to ask questions to my friend's friends list. Yeah my friend is into knife play umm let me see if I can remember correctly paddling/whipping. Not sure but if you have any questions I know she'd be willing to answer them. Her dom is into canning I believe… But I could be wrong. Sorry if I didn’t use the terms correctly again I’m not in the lifestyle.


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