whipping/flogging as corporal punishment - how to stage realistically?

Mar 03, 2011 11:23

I'm working on a story in which one character (Character A) is compelled to physically discipline another (Character B), using some sort of flogger or whip. The characters in question are two able-bodied men in their late twenties / early thirties. They're both physically fit and approximately the same height.

Cut for mild descriptions of violence. )

~flogging, ~torture, ~medicine: injuries to order

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sineala March 5 2011, 07:26:09 UTC
What weapons are realistically available in your setting? I'd guess that something shorter would be easier to use, because the shorter it gets it is really easier to aim. Cat o' nine tails? (I haven't used one myself; I'm just guessing.) If you're not committed to something very whiplike, maybe a cane? I hear canes are pretty good for marking.

When you say "not proficient," how not-proficient are you envisioning? Because hitting things with other things actually does take some practice, and I say this as someone who has accidentally hit herself in the face with a riding crop more than once. (I don't recommend it.)

Can't help with the other question, sorry.


thistlerose March 5 2011, 14:22:14 UTC
Thank you!

Ack, I forgot to mention the setting. This is science fiction, set on another world, which I'm still developing. A & B are human, and they're trying to negotiate some sort of peace treaty with this race of people who are very strict in terms of discipline, and their leader is a bit of a sadist. B speaks out of turn, so the leader of this alien race insists that A punish him or he won't sign the treaty.

A is actually quite skilled at hand to hand combat, and probably a number of weapons. He's very clever and well-coordinated, but he's never had any reason or desire to beat another person.

I was thinking of a whip because then there might be scarring (gotta heap the guilt on Character A!) but I can see the leader carrying a cane or some other kind of blunt instrument.


smillaraaq March 5 2011, 17:13:51 UTC
Hmmm, if there are bound to be weapons of various sorts about, perhaps one of the characters might be carrying a ceremonial sword with a thin, flexible unsharpened blade similar to a modern fencing foil? That would probably handle a lot like a flexible rattan cane in terms of pain and damage produced if used for striking blows with the flat...


laughinggas13 March 5 2011, 18:18:08 UTC
I can attest to the fact that flat hits with a fencing foil hurt a lot! And these were just playful swiping at me as I walked past - I'd hate to think how much an intentionally painful blow would hurt.


arseaboutface March 5 2011, 20:34:43 UTC
Agreed. My fencing instructor used to swat me when I did something stupid. Nothing harsh, but still. It hurts.


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