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sethg_prime November 17 2010, 04:28:27 UTC
Cecil “The Straight Dope” Adams, answering the question “can man live by bread alone?”, points out that bread lacks vitamin C, so scurvy would be the most significant problem. He estimates that if you drink water along with the bread, then the scurvy will kill you after about two years:

After about six weeks on a bread-only diet the level of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, in your body will drop to zero. The early signs of scurvy are fatigue, loss of appetite... and aching bones and joints. Then your gums will begin to bleed and your teeth start to wiggle. Without ascorbic acid, a protein called collagen that holds the body together will stop doing its job. Look for hemorrhaging under the skin, with anemia resulting. Your hair will begin to split and coil and bury itself in its follicles. The nice thing about scurvy is that vitamin C can reverse it at any point, but we're not going to allow any backsliding here. The preterminal signs are vomiting and swooning blood pressure. You will be weak by now, collapsing on so many fronts and so open to infection that it might be hard to pinpoint the exact cause of death.

Good times, eh?


ratherastory November 17 2010, 15:39:14 UTC
Very good times. /o\

Thanks for the details!


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