World War I questions + one regarding candles and graveyards

Sep 25, 2010 23:20

Setting: England, during the First World War and in the early 20's.

I have a few questions, and actually I'm a bit ashamed I can't figure out the answers myself... I have an access to a university library and JSTOR, so if anyone has suggestions for good books or articles to read, I'm more than willing to do that. As English isn't my native language, I also may well have used weird search terms or haven't figured out the good ones, so any suggestions are welcome here as well.

1. How old is the tradition of lighting candles at graveyards? Either on All Saint's, or generally. Would people have had the habit in England in the 1920's? (Search terms: various combinations of "lighting candles", "all saint's day", "tradition", "grave", "graveyard")

2. In military hospitals during the war, how would nurses call those patients (esp. officers) who they knew would not return to the front? Would they still address them as Captain Smith or Lieutenant Jones? If so, when exactly did an officer stop being called one? (I didn't really know how to search this; I've been reading a few articles on military hospitals, but haven't found an answer to this.)

3. What happened to those officers who couldn't return to the front line? Would an educated and liked officer who could not fight but whose injuries weren't too serious be asked to work in the cadre? (Search terms: combinations of "cadre", "first world war", "wounded soldier", "wounded officer" etc.)

4. What was going on in British universities during the war? Did older professors continue working? Were there any students left? (Search terms: "universities during first world war" + some variations of that, but the results are mostly websites of universities which offer courses on the war.)

5. The fifth question is a bit indefinite, as I'm basically having a credibility problem. What I need to happen is that a wounded soldier is taken to a field hospital, and it takes some time (like half a day or so) before one of the nurses treating him figures out his name. As the soldiers carried dog tags, one wouldn't most likely remain unidentified for long, I suppose? Were the soldiers' names written down or something like that right when they arrived, or would it be delayed for a while if there was a need for an urgent surgery? With this one I've no idea how to do a useful search.

Thanks a lot in advance!

uk: military: historical, uk: education, ~world war i, uk: history: world war i, uk: history (misc), 1920-1929

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