Credit Cards: Purchases and PINS

Jul 28, 2010 20:33

First let me say this happens to be a wonderful community! I've been able to learn some things just by going through answered questions. That being said, I've been running into a little unknown territory that I need answers to.

Having never used a credit card (yes, you may gasp, but keep reading) I need some help for my original story when one of my characters uses said credit card. So I've been able to get information about credit cards (who issues them, interest rates, purchase limits) but I still have questions on actually using a card in the store.

Searches I've done on Google so far have been:
"PIN stored on credit card" brought up this Wiki article
"what information is stored on a credit card" How Stuff Works article
"no swipe cards" Wiki article
"making a purchase with a credit card"
"using a credit card"
"who can use a credit card" WikiHow article
"in-store purchase with a credit card"

My setting:
An undetermined time in the future, but not at the I, Robot stage. Toying with the possibility of it being in an alternate setting (ie The Lab by Jack Heath) with no mention of States or Asia, but that's not set in stone yet. Even if it was, I'd like to base my usage on current methods to make it more realistic.

The credit card that she is using is not under her name and she will be trying to make a purchase at either 1) a hotel 2) clothing store or 3) grocery/fast food place. The questions that I still have are the following;

  • Do you need to enter a PIN to use a credit card at a store?
  • If you did use a PIN for the credit card, would merchants still ask for ID?
  • Is it required to show ID for purchase with a credit card? Is this common policy or more like a 50-50 chance of how tired the clerk is feeling?
  • If the name on the card was obviously male and the character is obviously female, would there be any questions or would the answer of "that's my dad/brother/husband's card" be sufficient?
  • If the card had a signature on the back of it, would that make any difference?
  • Are you still required to sign a receipt for the purchase?
  • With no swipe/Contactless cards, I've read articles saying that if someone had the reader they could get the card number and name. Does that mean the PIN is not stored on the card?
Thanks guys, I know some of these must seem like basic questions to you and I've done my best to try and not ask any super silly questions. But this will let me base the situation I need to happen in my story or some realism. Much thanks again!

EDIT: I just decided to check this while on my break at workplace and... wow! When I get time I will respond to each one but I wanted to send out a quick thanks to everyone for these wonderful replies. One person mentioned how hotels required billing address -- something I never thought of which will bring another dimension into the story! Yes, I am basing my information mostly on USA since that's what I know best, but the information from other locations will let me give it variety. Again, thank you!

~credit card, usa (misc)

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