Experience of Near-Drowning

Mar 14, 2010 15:30

Okay, I'm working on a what-if scenario for a fanfiction contest, writing an alternate scene from the show's canon. In canon (and in the fic), the character in question is tossed overboard and gets separated from his air supply. He is fished out of the water, and his companions are unsure if he's conscious -- he probably is at least semi-conscious, since he reddens when his female companions suggest CPR/rescue breathing, but other than that, appears unresponsive. He isn't quite human, so taking a pulse and looking for breathing may be difficult, but is close enough that first aid designed for humans probably will work.

In canon, he returns to full consciousness quickly, after (very improper) rescue breathing is administered. (With the joke being that he may have been faking to get rescue breathing from one of his female friends -- I'm deciding to play it straight and have him only semi-conscious, so his thoughts will be disjointed and not terribly aware of what's going on, and explain why his companions thought 'Crap, is he breathing? Can we tell if he is or not?'.)

I did some research on near-drowning (read Wikipedia, and googled 'near drowning first person accounts'), but I'm still not exactly sure what this character would be experiencing, especially after the rescue when the characters mistakenly believe he's not breathing and rescue breathing needs to be started. The limited reading I found indicates he would probably be disoriented and confused, even if he wasn't fully unconscious, since his body would be trying to keep his airway free of water and shutting down unessential systems. But more information would be helpful.

This is for a fantasy-comedy canon, so absolute fidelity to real life isn't required, but I want to know the rules before I decide what to break.


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