Russian Passport for Foreign Spouses and Infants

Mar 09, 2010 02:48

My main character is an Irish citizen married to a Russian man. They have a 6 month old child. The Irish wife must travel to Switzerland without the father. For plot purposes, I want her and the child to travel on a Russian passport(s).  Is this possible?

Can foreign nationals get Russian passports if they marry  Russian citizens?
If the couple has a child, does that child need a separate passport, or can the baby travel on the passport of one of the parents?
Does it matter if the parent is the mother or the father?

In the US, babies are no longer allowed to travel on their parents passports. All children, even infants, require their own passports with their  own pictures. For Russian children, I've only found one reference to children still being able to travel on the parent's passport. And that was at Wikipedia.  All other sources refer only to adopted Russian children not natural born.

And much like with the children, I can only find references for Russians marrying foreign nationals and seeking passports/papers for that country. Nothing on the reverse.

Anyone have any ideas?

~passports, russia: government

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