Gardens gone untended after two years

Jun 09, 2009 21:14

Sorry. I wasn't really sure how to find this. I googled "gardens left fallow" but didn't see anything useful.

I'm writing a Batman fanfiction and I'm stumped on one minor detail.

The manor has been uninhabited and untended for two years beginning around June or July. I've decided that there are vegetable gardens on the grounds which would have been planted in the spring.

Two years later, what vegetables from that planting might yet be growing wild among the weeds? (Dandelion greens weren't planted, but I have no doubt there's an abundance of them.)

Climatewise, we're talking the northeastern US (I usually put Gotham in New Jersey, but I'm not tied to that idea.) And the fic is set present-day, so figure commonly planted circa 2006.


usa: new jersey, ~plants

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