15 December 2015

Dec 15, 2015 17:22

Hey y'all,

I am so sorry for being so slack with posting! After our road trip, I am now back on the farm and after a hectic few months of calving, work has now quietened down until March 2016, when the first part of calving begins again. (We calve in autumn and spring here.)

Right before the start of SPN season 11 we had a storm come through that broke the antenna on the roof, so I haven't been able to watch any of this season yet. :( Yay for SuperWiki's transcripts, again! It has been an intense season so far.

I have been attempting to write fanfics again, but with little success. Oh well.

Also, who's excited for the new Star Wars movie?? I'm going to see it at the movies next week, hopefully.

supernatural, star wars, life

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