First Watch Review - 10x22 "The Prisoner"

May 17, 2015 20:36

Wow. Ok. Uh... Excuse this review for it's out of order ramblingness. (Is that a word?) I've literally just finished this episode.

*Updated this morning now that my thoughts are clearer. I realized I'd left out a few important details!*

My heart is broken. And it's not even the finale yet. Actually I think my heart broke about five seconds into the "Then" scenes. :(

Actually the whole episode was heartbreaking. Beautifully written, acted, directed, etc, but so freaking emotional.

From Charlie's funeral to Dean brutally slaughtering the entire Styne family, I was alternately gasping in horror, whimpering in grief, or shouting "shut your face!" And also giggling. Occasionally.

I think Rowena has a plan. Of course she does. And now Crowley's gone back to being a big baddie again? Poor Sammy looked so small and helpless and scared. :(

Those cops. Idiots, smashing the Impala up. >:( Was I the only one who saw the change come over Dean around that time, what I call the "Mark Of Cain" look on his face? That's the part where I started shouting at the cops "let him go, or he'll kill you!"

From there everything just went downhill for Dean. I can't believe he snapped the straps holding him down. That's gotta take some strength, right?

I feel sorry for that kid. He didn't deserve to die. :( He just wanted a normal life. It's not his fault his family was a bunch of Slicey McHackeys.

And oh my gosh, Dean beating Cas up? That was a horrible scene. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Remember a couple of conventions ago Jensen was saying something about "Dean could very easily go away, and become something else, and it wouldn't be the Dean that we know"? Well, guys, I think that's happened.

Poor, poor boys. The finale is going to break my heart into a million tiny pieces, I just know it! :'(

season 10, supernatural, first watch review

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