FIC: For The Weary

Apr 19, 2015 12:00

For The Weary
Characters: mostly Sam, mentions of Jess, Dean, and Riot
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 367
Spoilers: for 10x17, but nothing the promo/sneak peaks didn't show
Pairing: mild Sam/Jess
Summary: Nightmares are part of their lives. But not like this.

A/N: Um, yeah, for some reason I'm incapable of writing happy stuff right now. So have another angsty fic instead!

For The Weary

He's eight and he cried himself to sleep and dreamed of long claws and distorted faces, yellow eyes and blood in his mouth. He'd woken himself up with his own screams and Dean had been right there, hugging him.
"It's ok, Sammy, it was just a dream, you're safe."
Except he isn't, because monsters are real.

He's fourteen and he can't forget the horror of the hunt.
"You can't take this crap home with you," Dean tells him, "You gotta let it go."
It's Dean who wakes him from the nightmare in the middle of the night and rubs his back when he finds himself throwing up into the toilet.

He's twenty-two and he dreams of dripping blood and fire and wakes up screaming Jess, no.
"Sam, it's ok, you were dreaming," she says softly, and smooths his hair back because it's sticking to his sweaty face.
"Dreaming," Sam agrees shakily, and shivers, swallowing against the nausea caused by his pounding headache.
Jess curls up against his side, hand resting on his chest and he wraps his arm around her, reassuring himself that she's safe.

He's twenty-five and he dreams of Dean screaming in agony as the hellhounds tear him apart. And when he wakes up, shaking and panting, there's nobody to tell him it was just a dream. He's too scared to go back to sleep that night.

He's twenty-eight and he sees horrible things every time he falls asleep and sometimes when he's awake.
"He's not real," Dean insists, "I'm real."
Sam digs his thumb into the palm of his own hand until the nightmare flickers out of sight and it's only Dean standing there.

He's thirty and once again Dean isn't there when he wakes screaming. Something heavy lands on the bed beside him and he flinches, but it's only Riot. The fluffy dog lies alongside him and licks his face, and it's only then Sam realizes he was crying.
"Just a dream," he tells himself, and tries to stop shaking.

He's thirty-two and he wakes to a scream that isn't his. He grabs his gun and rushes to Dean's room, only to find his brother trapped in a nightmare. And everything's wrong.


Also note that I wrote this before I watched Inside Man. :)

season 10, fanfiction, supernatural

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