Croatoan Day and updates

Aug 04, 2014 18:00

Yes, I was part of the Croatoan Day thing. It was amazing, being part of a literally once-in-a-lifetime fandom event. I wrote "croatoan" on my arm and tweeted it. On 1 August 2014, #CroatoanDay trended on Twitter, and I was part of it. I love this fandom! I love our show! :D (follow me on Twitter @JasmineNSparkie)

My aunt went back home on Saturday, but I was got sick later that day and half of Sunday, so haven't actually got any more writing done.

I have to contact our service dog trainer tomorrow, and I don't know if he's gonna make us super busy or what. We have a few new things I want to work on anyway.

I'm so super behind on reviews for episodes, I've given up. Next rewatch I'll try harder! We watched Something Wicked and Provenance last night.

croatoan day, supernatural, writing, life, rewatch

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