We interrupt this journal to bring you the following announcement.
prisonbreaknews is looking for some new reporters. They're looking for dedicated fandom people who are willing to help compile lots of cool Prison Break stuff like icons, fic and news etc. It might sound like it's a hard job, but they have a very simple system so really the only thing you need is to be able to devote your time.
These might be good things to have if you're thinking about joining:
1. Basic understanding of html. If you know how to do lj-cut, bold, italic and such, then you're good. (I mean seriously, they had me working there.)
2. Time
3. Fandom love
4. No discriminations (You don't have to like slash, but you have to be willing to include it.)
If you're crazy about Prison Break, I recommend this e-job for you. It's a lot of fun and you get a first hand look at all the neat stuff that fandom produces.
If you're interested, you can e-mail angel_1013 @ livejournal[dot]com. (Please don't contact me regarding any inquiries, as I'm just the messenger.)
We now return to your regularly scheduled programming.