Well, being school is closing, I've had a bit of free time. Not as much as desired. But, hey. I've made two potc icons.
Well, computer art is always great. After I'd finished all my "assignments", I photoshopped some of my own stuff. Here are the results:
I added the flowers and border and touched up the color. Everything is original.
Again, border, color retouches, spoltches, all original.
A corel design, all original. Corel is a terrible program and I hate it. A lot. BUt I love this design. So simple.
A surrealism. All the pictures are from Google. It's called "The Great Race". I like it a bit. I'm really proud fo the dog's shadow on the earth. That's my favorite part.
Everything on here is original...I love the orange piccy. I just adore the blending. Took forever to get it just right. I also love the border on it, just, it fits, na mean? And the coloring of the flower I'm super proud of. And the shot of the ballerinas (sans flowers) is a personal fave. It ends up everywhere, in many things I do. But I love it. Lots. I love the whole image piece.