by the way this is my blog! you tried looking at it... it's in draft pa I'll soon post it!Dec 8, '08 3:10 PM
Vincent for users littleblueboy and vincentpadilla
vincentpadilla These blog is being addressed to all my multiply friends and more importantly my artist friends.
Anna Cornelia and I Vincent Padilla with all our artist friends namely Cathy Lasam, Jojo Ballo, Stanley Chi and many others erased our friendship to Miss M and Mylap, due to the very bothering reason of Miss M our former friend had an affair to a married man! we kept quiet for the longest time but this bitch doesn't want to stop harassing Anna Cornelia who had worked tirelessly at My Little Art Place from the very beginning but was never paid whats due her!
Thanks Ryan you pushed me to put this.
Our fight against "Miss M" acting owner of My Little Art Place during her birthday last October, We organized a surprise birthday party for her but she got mad at us when her mother and this boyfriend of her (the married man which I introduced to her during my exhibit at Serendra) had a confrontation which lead to the man leaving the place, Miss M run after him and when Miss M got back at My Little Art Place she erupted like a volcano and shouted at everybody, on the day of her birthday! We waited for her to apologize which she never did but instead she made a note on her Facebook account telling everybody how she hated her friends and most specially Anna because we set her up on her birthday. Miss M thought that Anna purposely made the party so that Miss M mom and her married boyfriend would have a confrontation.
Maya we've been friends, I commented recently on your post but no one read it coz. no one commented on it, its not gonna be seen on your contacts inbox right? and its intentional I havent post this blog yet coz I'm still thinking for your sake! My artist friends will believe me more than you and Ryan. I know them longer.