Hellou Photoshop! Part 7

Jan 25, 2008 18:32

Eheh...I really shouldn't do this kind of stuff right now, buuut...

Presenting my first wallpapers (and they ended up being Saiyuki and Wild Adapter ones! No suprise though...xD)! They are pretty simple, I know ^^' But I hope you like them anyway!

Wild Adapter [14] (Mostly Kubota ones...I kinda like him...)
Random Final Fantasy [25]

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little_blue_me January 29 2008, 17:09:13 UTC
Ah, no.. I haven't seen a doctor, but I bought it up with the school nurse and she thinks the headeches are because of my bad eating habbits. Basically there are non since I eat so little..Well, maybe not "little" but there are huge periods of time between my eatings, sometimes 12 hours -_-'
You see, I eat veryvery little at school so I have been trying to bring snacks with me and those usually stop the headaches. \o/ But sometime they still stick with even though I would have eaten all right >_< Yeah, maybe I should see the doctor sometime...^^'
Urh, exams -_- But those things you are allowed to whine all you want! xD You have your exams now? I definitely wish you good luck with those! <3 Remember to relax too!

Ah! I'm so happy if there is someone who doesn't think my rants as stupid! <3 Sometimes I get the feeling I can read minds and sometimes they say: "Nooo! Please just stop!" xDD
Aah, I love sad endings! I love to cry my eys out. xD (though I'm yet to find a touching book...) But I have never heard of Nikita..(and is "Nikita" a boy's name? It just sounds a bit like a girl's name..xD) What's it about? 8)

You may have a question! Or as many as you like xD
Dazzle is a mangaseries released by Tokyopop and Rahzel is the heroine \o/ She is 14 years old (though I think she is waaaaay more mature), a witch (though the fact isn't at all important with the series, she merely uses her powers for selfdefense) and in begining of the series, gets kicked out of her home by her father to travel and learn about life. (The father can sound a bit horrible based on this, but he's a bit weird like that and absolutely loves Rahzel [a doting father xD]) And after that scene, she meets Alzeid (man with silver hair and red eyes<33). And since Alzeid's personality is a bit like our dear sanzo's (a crumpy bastard<3), doesn't smile and seems like he's not enyjoing himself, yet alone his life, our heroine svers to stick with him until she has made his life something worth smiling of.
And since Rahzel doesn't really have any destination for her journery, the two of them set on the road of avenging Al's father's death (since that was what Al was set to do far before he met Rahzel). Eventually they find one more companion for their travels and find themselves in the middle of weird, fun and tragic situations. Basically the avenging thing stays on the background. But this series really does have a bigger plot and a reason for all, which becames clear quite soon and really starts hitting you in the sixth and seventh volumes. Giih! I would so love to talk about it, since I find it really interesting and a bit confusing, but I don't want to spoil you! D:
I really love the series' humor and at first it really is a real big part of the play (though there are some really sad and dark themes, Rahzel's past being one) but now that I just read the sixth and seventh volume, it's quite clear the series is taking a major turn away from the comic act (and I can't decide if I should be happy or sad about this since the humor was so hilarious, but these new twists are so interesting...)
Aah, and Rahzel! For some reason I find it really hard to like female characters since they all kind of end up irritaiting me, but I love Rahzel! She's a fun little girl with some really interestig reactions to different situations and ways of thinking. a strong character, but not your usual "srong female" -type, but not a hopeless whiner either like most of the female characters are *sigh* -_-
The series is definitely worth of the trying! The first volume can be a bit weak as most of the people have said (though I fell in love with it since the first page [like with Saiyuki<3]) so you should give it another chance even if you didn't like the first volume. if you even are planing to look into it, that is xD
Hope I answered your question (ik, a long answer...)


drupi_9 January 30 2008, 23:05:24 UTC
Is it that you are not hungry or just can't make yourself to eat? It's bad. Proper eating is really important. I think that you really should see doctor or this person who helps people with diets (dunno how he's called in english). Or both.

Yes, I'm in my exams period now. The day after tomorrow I'll have law exam and I feel helpless, my concentration is really low :(. Thanks for "good luck", I'll definitely need that ;). And relaxation is good too :). And what is more realxing than listening to music or playing the piano? :)

Yes, sad ending is pure love ♥. Sometimes I feel like I'm heartless and cruel because I prefer my beloved characters to die just before ending O_o.
Finding touching book is quite difficult. It's easier to built atmosphere in movies or even mangas, where director/mangaka can use sound, voice, picture. And in books there're only words and our imagination.
I was quite touched while reading some parts of "Witcher" by Andrzej Sapkowski. Oh, and "A song of ice and fire" also has some great moments. Both of this books are fantasy - I love this genre ;).

Nikita is name of girl in this series (but quite frankly I've no idea if boys can also be named Nikita...). Nikita or rather "La Femme Nikita" is TV drama about Section One, group fighting with... can't remember... bad guys probably ;) Series is Nikita (killer forced to work for Section One) - centric and that's why I don't like it because I don't like main character... It's generally about killing, spying and some relationships. Sorry, I suck in writing summaries :(.

Thanks for explaining what and who Dazzle and Rahzel are. BTW what names - Rahzel, Alzeid O_O lol.
Hmmm... better don't spoil me because I must admit that you got me interested in tis manga. I'll try it out - after my exams time of course ;). And later I'll let you talk about this as much as you like :D.
I also don't like female characters. There're often so empty or stereotyped ;). And boys... well, even if they are irritating me, I can forgive them if they are nice to eyes ;).

I was wondering... can I friend you? You seem to be really interesting person~ ^_^.


little_blue_me January 31 2008, 14:11:06 UTC
Heh, it's not that I'm not hungry, I'm just...extremely picky I think ^^' I know I should be happy and thankful for the free food we get at school, and I really am, but...But I just can't bring myself to eat raw potatos or meat even though I would be dying over the hunger...-_-' Yeah, I know proper eating is important :/ And that's why I have been trying to bring little snacks with me, like fruits and stuff. Ah, I know that person you are meaning \o/ But alas, I don't know the name either. x) But if I should quess it, I would try "food therapist".

Law exams? That dfinitely sounds interesting! What are you studying if you have exams about that kind of subject?
Heh, music is definitely a good way to relax :) Sometimes is just nice to just lay on your bed listening to music, doing nothing else. (I usually fall asleep, but..) You play piano?! Wow! That's so awesome! I love piano, but I know just tinytiny little bit :/ My sister used to play it and I asked her to teach me, but being the villain that she is, she of course refused...How long have you played it? Aah, that's just so amazing! <3
I have been playing violin for a while, but I have been having a little pause from it now, though I would love to start it again.

Haha! We are a bit same then when it comes to sad endings and killing your favorite characters x) If I ever wrote books, I would most definitely kill all my favorite characters...*sounds a bit horrible when you put it like that ^^'* What's the saddest film you have seen? 8D
You are right on that stuff about books, it really is difficult. But if I ever can find those books you mentioned, I will definitely try them! Since I like fantasy books too! <3 I must admit that I haven't been reading that much in a while, but whenever I read, they usually are from the fantasy genre. :)

"Le Femme Nikita"? Doesn't sound english to me! xD Where is it from? Haha well, that plot sure now sounds kind of familiar, but then again, there are tons of series with that kind of similiar plots...>_>'
Nikita is a boy's name in Russia? It sounds so...femine...x) If the Nikita series isn't russian TVseries, then it probably didn't matter for the TVseries makers whether the name is a boy's name in Russia (if they even knew) since Nikita sure sounds a girl's name to me. :D

You are welcome! :)
Haha! if you find "Rahzel" and "Alzeid" as weird, then just wait till you will get to hear the other names! xDD Like Baroqueheat, Soresta, Branowen, Rayborn...8D Ouh yay! I hope your exams time ends soooon! And the series is really very very good! I hope (and I think) you will like it! <3 Yay for the series discussion! \o/ I will wait till you get to read it more then! :D
And yes, female characters...They usually really just end up as bad stereotypes, and there is not any kind of depth in them. Strong -type, mother -type, cheerful -type, wise -type...Not that thise doesn't happen with the males too either, but you can see this happening more with females. But yeah, it's pretty easy to forgive this to the boys :D

And Of course you can! I was going to ask the same question from you, but you were a bit faster :D *friends you<3*


drupi_9 February 1 2008, 11:22:33 UTC
"Food therapist" sounds too odd for my ears ;). But, hey, who said that english isn't odd? ;)
I really would love to help you *hugs* but I don't have such a problem so I don't know how. When I'm hungry, I eat whatever there's - as long as it's not tomato.

Law exam sounds interesting? O_O Do we live in the same world? ;) Law is so damn complicated (or maybe it's just polish law which is in this way?). I had this exam today and... ughhh I totally failed :(.
I study economics - nothing interesting, really. And what do you do?

Haha, I'm the same. I also fall asleep while listening to music laying down :).
Yeah. Piano is pure love. I'm not too good but I love to play it (especially some pieces from anime or jmusic artists - but this one is quite hard to find). I had learned plying for 3 years but I didn't enjoy it so I stopped. Maybe it was because my teacher chose songs which I didn't like (like some folk music) or maybe it was because I was rather gloomy and dark child back then and I didn't like music in general. For two (more or less) years I didn't touch the piano. But later in school we got excellent teacher for knowledge of culture (ok, I don't know if that's the way one should translate this subject ;)) and he often played the piano for us. It was excellent. I started to search for sheets of music which I liked and... and I play just for myself :).
And what coincidence, my sister also played the piano :). Is your sister older than you? Do you fight a lot that she didn't want to help you out with piano or is she just lazy? ;)
Playing violin sound really amazing! It seems to be really difficult instrument. And it sounds soooo nice ♥ I hope you'll start playing it again. Pause is good sometimes. One can grow up ;).

Oh yes, we are horrible and cruel... and we love it ;) I used to write some stupid, little stories and there're always ending bad :).
The saddest film? Hmmm... I think that'd be Artificial Intelligence: AI. Oh, and I cried every time I was watching The Last of the Mohicans. And yours?

Fantasy rules! ;) Do you have your favourirte book? I also haven't been able to read recently - stupid studies...

"Nikita" is canadian but it is based on french movie - that's why it sounds french. And you are right, there're many, maaanyyy similiar series.
To me Nikita also sounds girlish but I think that it's because of the fact that I'm from Poland. Here every girl's name ends with letter "a". Easy, isn't it? ;)

Hehe, I'm fast one ;). Unfortunately in real life I'm sloooow ;) I always was last one in our PE's runs...
Thank you *adds* Oh and sorry for my posts - there're really boring ones *blush*.


little_blue_me February 2 2008, 15:08:10 UTC
Hehe, well, "food therepist" is just a direct and frank translation from the name we use for that kind of people here, "ruokateraupeutti". :) So I have no idea what the real english name for them is.
Aw, thank you! <3 But I think I will survive as long as I bring my apples to school every day. :) Haha! So I take it you don't like tomatos? xD I can eat them if I must but I must admit that that stuff inside them is terrible...

Haha xD They kinda do! And I just have to respect people who are crazy enough to study that subject xD I have no idea what the law things in Poland are like so I can't answer that ;) But when I was a kid, I kind of wanted to be a lawyer, I always watched those law TV shows they showed, and there were many of those! And the game Phoenix Wright is fantastic! <3 :D
Ah, I'm so sorry to hear that! D: But you can't be sure before you get the results right? So many people say they failed and then they get the highest scores in the end! :D
But I think econimics does sound pretty interesting! Though I don't have much of idea what the studies are really like..
I'm studying interior and furniture design, and thank god it's my last year now! Just few months to go now <3 Right now I should be doing this one big "last" project, but let's see what will become of it x) I will just probably leave it to my winter holiday...urh D:

Aah! I like playing anime and jmusic too! <3 My current favorite if Full Metal Alchemist's (though I don't like the anime that much, the manga version is much better, in my opinion at least) Brothers -song which is so beautiful <3 Well, at least the real song, I sure have to practise it more ;) You know what? That same kind of thing happened to me too! When I was nine or ten I started the violin lessons but the teacher was really horrible. She was from Russia and didn't speak that good finnish, she was really old and cranky and got mad really fast if I didn't ger the songs right. In one word, really scary. I have no idea how the music school took her as a teacher, I'm sure she scared the hell out of other little kids too. Or maybe it was just me x) I think older students could tolerate her much better than kids..I quit the violin really fast because of the teacher and didn't too touch the thing for years. And then when I was fourteen I just started it again, I don't remember why, maybe just because I always had wanted to be able to play it and didn't want to give it up. We had to sell my old violin and change it to a bigger one since the first violin of course was too little for a fourteen old girl. The little violin sure was great, it had really beautiful sound in it, and at first I kinda regretted that we changed it, but then again, what would I do with a violin too small for me to play? Of course some people just use they old violins as decoration stuff, but..."get rid of your old stuff you don'r really need anymore and you will then get something new you are in need of", that's what I have been told anyway. :)
So you don't take lessons amymore? But playing just for yourself is really nice too <3 I sometimes wanted to be a professional player, but those people start the lessons when they are like three and practise 15 hours per day x) I'm not really suited for that so I play just for myself too :) Though I want to go to the lesson too, since I suck at learning by myself. At least the violin xD


drupi_9 February 3 2008, 16:31:17 UTC
In polish he's called "ditetyk" and it seems that I found english word for it (or at least I hope so) - dietician. Yes, I don't like tomatos. More - I hate them. It's trauma since my kindergarten's days when we're made to eat bread with tomatos. Bleeeh.

Phoenix Wright? I haven't heard about this one. But yeah, there're quite many law tv shows... but I've never wanted to be lawyer. It seemed to me that this person should be more open for people and talkative than me.
Well maybe I can't be sure that I failed but I am ;). It'd be really surprising and nice if I passed. Let's wait and see.
There're some subject in economics which are quite interesting but many are boring and hard to understand. Maybe I just don't have what it get to be economist? Right now I just want to pass all exams and end what I started even though I feel out of place ;).
Leaving things on last minute sounds quite familiar ;). Good luck with your project :). You are glad that it's your last year? Is that because it's not enjoyable?

I haven't seen or read FMA (but I know - more or less - what it's about). I searched for this song and it sounds really beautiful. I'd love to listen to your playing :).
Ughhh it seems that there're teachers who shouldn't be one -_-. If I played better, I'd love to be music teacher. I'd love to be good teacher and give this happiness to students and help find themselves(uhh it sound strange but I hope you know what I mean).
"get rid of your old stuff you don'r really need anymore and you will then get something new you are in need of" - sounds right to me ;).
I don't take lessons anymore. It's good to play what I want, how I want and how often I want to. But because of that my piano basics aren't good :(. Yeah, you are right when it comes to professional players.


little_blue_me February 4 2008, 18:09:15 UTC
But dietician sounds even funnier! xD Might be cause it's the first time I'm hearing it and somehow ir reminds me about some crazy woman who wants to lose another 8 kg even though there's nothing to lose that from xD
Aw, traumas are first D: It's so hard to get over it even though they would be something silly x) I have a trauma over elevators :D

Aah! Phoenix Wright is sooo great! :D It's a Nindendo DS game and you play this newbie defender character, investigate crime scenes, interview the people and find out what REALLY happened x) And then there's the court part, and that's when things get really funny and interesting :D The characters are really great, such personalities<3 And Phoenix is such a sweetheart <3 Here's a video But it's a promo and the real cases in the game are a bit more serious xD
Yeah, being a lawyer wouldn't suit me either for that same reason.
Be sure to tell me hoe the exams went, okay? :D
How long do you have to study those economic things? It's depressing if you have to study things you don't have that much interest for D:
Ah, yeah, I'm really happy it's my last year. I wanted to be a interior designer since I was twelve and really wanted to study in this school and I really thought it would be fun and interesting. But the school is totally different I though it would be, I haven't learned the things I thought I would and the whole atmosphere in there is so...tight. -_- I have really started to have seconds thoughts about this whole interior design thing, maybe I'm not up to it or it isn't something I really want to do :/ And that kinda depresses me, though I know it's normal to change your mind about these kind of things and realize that maybe you were wrong. But still I'm a bit pisses off of all of this.
Thanks for the good lucks, they are definitely needed! <3

Aah! isn't it pretty, the song? <3<3 As far as I know there are two versions of it, one is the original one and another is instrumental and basically played with just violin <3 Aw, thank you!<3 That's the first time someone says that to me! (beside my mom xD) Almost everyone I know hates the sound of violin and I really can't get them :/ *though the would be right to hate my playing xDD*
It doesn't sond strange at all, I understand what you mean. :) Being a music theacher would be great, but I would probably be always worried about if I were good enough to teach others no matter how long I would have played x)


drupi_9 February 7 2008, 09:11:39 UTC
No, it doesn't ;). And it's from "diet" so it fits well. And your "therapist"? It sounds like shrink ;). It seems that we're too used to our native languages and that's why strange words sounds... strange ;) (god it was so deep ;)).
Did something happen in elevator? Don't tell me it stopped?

Phoenix Wright sounds interesting but I'm not into Nindendo games ;). PC is all that I need (ok, I say it because I've got only PC ^^").

I didn't pass my law exam... grrr...
I'm in my second year of economics. After 3rd year I'll get Bachelor's Degree and then two years to get MA (dunno if it's really called this way in english ^^"). Yeah it can be depressing to study something you are not interested in but I don't feel bad... usually ;). I don't think about it and we have here some nice people so it helps too. Besides what to study? I'm not interested in particular science... If I was to study what I want, I'd study japanese philology ;). But it's too hard to get to study this. Only 3 cities in Poland have this philology and each of them accept only 20 people.
And what will you do after you finish your school?

One version is basically played by violin? Oh, then maybe I didn't hear this version but some other... I need to check this out ^^".

My, my, I haven't known that there're some violin-haters O_o Violin is so beautiful. In what environment do you live? I was sure that in all world there is no single person who'd hate violin...

Yes. Being music teacher requires some kind of... self-confidence.


little_blue_me February 8 2008, 15:38:01 UTC
...But I like the sound of "shrink"! It's sounds so creepy in english that you just have to love the sound of it! 8D (it's doesn't sound like that in finnish, though D:) So let's use our own versions of those persons, so we will both be happy, okay? :D
...It didn't stop, but...-_- *It's a story time*
I was about twelve or thirteen. It was winter and really very cold. We were taking some shelter from it in this pretty old block of flats with our "gang" (my god that sounds soso stupid xDD). We were in the top floor and decided to go outside since there was little to nothing to do in that place. Me and other seven or eight person took an elevator which was designed to have four persons in it! x) It got down all right, but when we were in the ground floor, the doors wouldn't open! Since the elevator had so much weight in it, it sank a bit lower than it would normally do and so the floor was in the way of the doors so they couldn't open...-_- We were stuck in it for maybe 15 or 20 minutes. Maybe that doesn't sound that long but it seemed like ages since the elevator was really very little and old fashioned. And not to mention that every one was drunk except for me...-_- One was almost crying and started to give her money away since she though we were going to die in there. One just blankly looked straight ahead and didn't say anything and one started to smoke there! xD He said: "well, at least we will die with style, being drunk and all."
So yeah xD I started to get pretty crazy myself too and actually really though I would die in there (please don't laugh). But yeah, we were saved the end! \o/

Aww, I have thought about getting Ninendo DS just because of that game xD And I have to have PS 3 too since the new Final Fantasy will be for it. But it costs soooso much that I feel like crying ;_;

You didn't pass? I'm so sorry to hear that! D: But you can redo it, right? (And please don't worry too much about it, the world won't end because of a failed exam okay? :) You can do it again! <3)

Well, the school does get much more nicer if you have great people there! \o/ Three cities teach japanese philology there? You are lucky! Only the capital here teaches it! Of course other towns (I'm not going to call them cities, they are really not worth the word xD) teach japanese, but you can study japanese, Japan's culture, history and all that only in Helsinki's university.
But if you want to study it, you should try to get in one of those schools! Three places accept 20 people, and someone IS going to get in there, so why not you? You really should try it if you want to, you won't lose anything! <3 :) You know...I'm going to try to get to study that subject in Helsinki, too :) I already have the books I need to read for the test, and I already started to read one of them. I know my chances to get there can be a bit slim since I didn't go to high school, but I would really love to study it, it's the only subject that really interests me, so I'm going to try it! I'm really going to read hard and try :) And if I won't get there this year, I'm going to try it next year \o/
But yeah, beside that school thing, I'm trying to get a job :) I have sent lots and lots of applications to different places and I hope I will nail at least one :D
You know what? You need a song like this xDD <3


drupi_9 February 11 2008, 11:58:20 UTC
Sound of "shrink"? Hmmm *repeats few times* Yeah, you're right :D.

Yay for story time! :D But... 12/13 years old being drunk? smoking? Gods, what a childhood did you have?
I'd gone crazy if I couldn't get out of elevator... especially if I was younger (I hope that now, in my age (geez it sounds like I'm granny -_-) I'd be calm...
It's normal to think about death in this age, with this environment when you can't get out so don't worry ;). And I'm happy that you're saved! :).

Aww, don't cry. Is new Final Fantasy online game? I'm not up to date with FF. I only played FF7 and FF8 on PC. FF8 was my first FF so I really love this one ♥

Yeah, I could redo this exam but... I failed again -_-. Gods. I have no idea what's going to happen now. We can have two tries at every exam. I failed law twice... I heard that one year ago law-guy let some people go to him and answer the questions so now I really hope that it's not a rumor and he'll be so nice again...

And I thought that Poland is odd? You have only one city with japanese philosophy? That's odd (or rather crazy). How many people they accept? Good luck, I hope that you'll make it! ♥ You have there entrance test? In our country they look only at our results from high school finals. And know what...? I'm going to redo my high school fianls. I already applied my finals declaration. I really hope that I'll improve my results (but it'll be hard - it's been two years sience my high school time) and get to study japanese philology. Let's both do our best and hope that we'll make it! ♥

You're searching job? Good luck. When you will have one, let me know :).
Haha, thanks for link :D.


little_blue_me February 13 2008, 18:01:41 UTC
Aah, nono! I have never even tried smoking, much less been drunk, I was like the most well behaved girl out here! XD But yeah, my friends liked to try things I didn't and yes, at a very young age...-_-' It was a bit crazy back then, I was the one trying to take care of them while they were out of it all. Hah, I have nothing good to say about alcohol. It is crazy how people so young start smoking and drinking, it's not good for them and they look stupid doing it.
Haha! XD I'm glad I was saved, too! Too bad though that the saver wasn't a handsome prince with a white horse and a shiny armor!

FF 11 was a online game :D 10, 10-2, and 12 are for Play Station 2. 13, at least two of them, will be for Play Station 3. You see, there will be four games under the "Final Fantasy 13" name. They all have some similarities, I think, but mainly they are different from each other, the plot, characters and everything. And one of them will be for cellphone!
Final Fantasy 13, Final Fantasy 13 Versus, Final Fantasy 13 Agito and no information for Haeresis yet.
I'm playing FF8 right now! :D I have been playing it like a year now already and I'm still in the middle of the third cd...I'm pretty much out of the plot already since I have had so many and so long breaks from it^^' But I love Squall! His attitude at the beginning was priceless! Though I'm happy about the character growth, I still kinda miss the old Squall...This one has started to be...too caring x)
I have played FF7 two time now, and I still have no idea of the whole olot! XD And to be true with you..I'm not that keen to 7 at all..Almost everyone I know says how amazing it is, the best FF game out there and the best PS game ever, but...I quite can't say the same thing. I do like Sepi and Vincent, character desings, the battle system, material and all, but...The game somehow feels so distant, I can't relate to anything at all. I would love to love it (XD) butbut...;__;
My first FF was 10! :D And I still love it to pieces <3

!D: Sorry to hear that! D: The test must have been really hard then..But I hope you get to see that law guy or redo it again!*best luck with that* Let me know what happens with it, okay?

Yeah, just one city. -_- And they take about 26 in and it usually has had over hundred people taking the entrance test. Which is little when thinking about how many people has left an application for the school; there has always been like 400 of them...But after leaving the application, you can choose whetever you come take the entrance test or not. I guess many people has just changed their minds about getting into the school. You can also view the old entrance tests' questions. I took a look at them and...omg...It really won't be easy, I have to read like crazy! But I will still try it anyway. :D
Ooh! You are taking your high school finals again? Good luck with that! I hope you will improve your last results and I think you will, too! So yeah! Let's really do our best and get our asses into those damn great schools! <3 :D

I will let you know as soon as I have something to tell! :D (I really hope I will..)


drupi_9 February 19 2008, 09:02:51 UTC
Ah, so that's how it was. Your friends were happy to have such a good "big sister"... or "mother" ;).
Quite frankly I have never even tried smoking, too. It's not tempting for me (and it's unhealthy too) and I just hate it when smokers don't pay attention to other people and smoke wherever they like. If I wasn't so shy, I'd show them where is their place! Grrr.

Thanks for explaining FF-thingy. Gods, will they do FF for PC one day? It's somehow unfair that there're so many FFs and yet only few available on PC.
Yup, I also prefer "old, good Squall" ;). But my favourite character is Selphie! :D And I also like Seifer :).
Hmm FF7? I love FF7 but... maybe if I played more FF games, I wouldn't like it so much? Dunno... but what is very important for me in games/etc is character, or rather characters. If there're some characters whom I love, I love game then. And FF7 has got Vincent and Sepi.

Ugh, entrance test is craziness. I really hope that you'll make it! *crosses fingers* (it's strange way to wish one good luck. In Poland when one crosses fingers it means that he's lying ^^". But of course it's translated to wish good luck. Are they really crossing their fingers while saying so?)
When will you have your test?


little_blue_me February 22 2008, 12:30:55 UTC
Yeah, I don't see any point in smoking -__- I really hate the smell, smokers really do stink x) My mom suddenly started to smoke again even though she hasn't been smoking in almost 18 years...o_O No idea why she's doing it, but when she has just smoked, I really hate to be around her then since she smells disgusting -__-' Well, they have now passed alot of laws like; you can't smoke in a restaurant or bar and things like that. Heh, luckily. Though not that I would use bars that often! XD
Aw, being shy really sucks sometimes :/

I have no idea if they are going to make FF for PC too D: It really seems like they are concentrating on Play Station...
Seifer is a badass <3, but Selfie is way too hyper for me! x) And yeah, the characters really are very important when it comes to games! But sometimes those aren't enough for me to love the game itself. Like FF 10-2...I really played it just because of Tidus, but I still regret wasting my time on it...

Thank you! I'll try my best!
Oh! Crossing fingers really is weird, because here it too means that you are lying. ^^ But it's like that in other places, too, but still you can wish someone good luck with doing the same thing! o_O I mean, I saw an old movie where the mainactor crossed her fingers behind her back when she lied, but also did the same thing when she wished for the best. XD
The test is on 6.6, so I still have some time to read before it. :D


drupi_9 February 22 2008, 20:51:29 UTC
My mom used to smoke but I can't really remember this. I was maybe 5/6 when she stopped. Later she wanted to start smoking again because she was thinner when she was doing this -_-. What a stupidity. I prefer not as thin mom like she used to be but not smoking. Good that she didn't start smoking again. When it comes to your mom - 18 years is soooo long, it's not one year so I'm not sure what could make her smoke again... maybe stress...?

And why PS is better than PC? ;(
Heh, I'm also very surprised that I like her. I'm not so much into hyper characters but Selphie... I just can't make myself to dislike her ^_^.
What was wrong wit FF 10-2? Was it boring or something?

Gods, and how are we supposed to know if one really wish you good luck or she/he is lying and don't want to wish you good luck at all? ^^" Guess it's place of fingers what matters - behind one's back or shown to other person... but it's still crazy ;).

Oh, you'll have them one month after me :).


little_blue_me February 24 2008, 15:35:52 UTC
Gah, smoking because you want to be thinner is...^^' Um, no offense to your mom, but it really is kind of stupid thing to do. ^^' Some of my old friends didn't want to stop smoking because of that, too. They thought they would get fatter. -__- Well, actually there is some truth to that, at least based on what I have read, but still...I think your health is more important than looking thin.

Ah, I honestly don't know! D: The truth is I have never played PC games that were originally for PS, and...the only "real" game I have played on PC is Sims, so I really don't know. ^^' It could be fun to try some FF games on PC though!
Irh, FF 10-2...Where to start, where to start? -_-' You see, it's a continuation for FF 10, a game I love to death. And I thought 10's end was brilliant. It was kind of sad so maybe that's why I find it so good. XD And for starters, I hated the idea they were going to ruin the ending with a continuation game...A lot of characters have changed in 10-2, and those you could play with in 10 are now really minor character, someones you can just go and say hello. And some characters from 10 have just dissapeared ;__; I hate the new characters on 10-2! There are two old...wait. maybe I should put this all a bit differently ^^' I'll just end up writing this so confusingly ^^'

FF 10 had a super ending --> FF 10-2's whole existence ruins it
FF 10 had seven awesome characters you could play with --> FF 10-2 has just three. Two of them are from 10, but one is new, Pain. I love her hair, but otherwise she's just a stereotype -__-' And Yuna changed, I mean really changed from 10. In 10-2 she's all happyhappy-joyjoy character with small or nonexisting clothes...
FF 10 had a mysterious and a bit of a sad atmosphere in it, but still filled with hope and funny scenes --> FF 10-2 is all about girl power...-__-'''
FF 10 has a straight plot you follow --> FF 10-2 has these missions you can do in any kind of order or just do the necessary misssions. Though if you don't do every little and stupid mission (like finding a wife for this one man or selling tickets to a concert), you won't get the PERFECT ending. Yeah. 10-2 has three different endings and based on how well you play you will get one of them. And the endings are so different from each other that you just have to get 100% from the game to get to see the perfect ending. Otherwise the playing was all for nothing...-__-
When I finished the game myself, I got the worst ending...And since I didn't feel like playing the game again, I just watched the other two endings via net ^^'
And 10-2's battlesystem sucks. Especially the fact that your rowers and abilities depend on what kind of clothes you are wearing...
And yeah, there would be at least thousand of other things to blaim and badhmouth, but I think this was enough? XD

Really? ^_^ Be sure to tell me how it went when you have taken the test! :D


drupi_9 February 26 2008, 13:19:47 UTC
Yeah, you're right. It is stupid ^^".

No wonder you haven't heard about Baldur's Gate then ;). And to be honest I've never played Sims. It seems to be boring but... but I know that if started to play it, probably I wouldn't say so ;).

Oh, it seems that FF 10 is way better then FF 10-2. Thanks for explanation :).


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