Title: Mismatched [1/2]
Pairing: Jaejoong/Changmin
Genre: AU, romance
Warnings: much one-sided affection
Summary: Changmin's life takes an unexpected turn when he falls in love. Beta-ed by
milollitaNotes: Loosely based on a yaoi manga called "Kouun no Rihatsushi"
There was a girl in another class. )
Comments 117
I love it already. Poor Changmin he had to withstand the bullying just because he became friends with Tiffany! >3
Going to read your next update! XD
Thanks for reading! :D
oh well! great fic, i like the set up before the actual pairing. methinks there are too many fics that are just like 'so here was one guy, and another, and by god they fell in love' lol. nice to have some background.
will read the next bit when it comes...thankeee
LOL I thought there might have been TOO much background but I'm really glad you liked it!
I hope I won't make you wait too long for part 2...>>; *eyes the unfinished file*
Thanks for reading!
i like tiffany lots, and she has such a nice, strong character.
but the jaemin and the way they met is just sweet. you made the simple act of cutting hair a very sensual process. ^^
i think changmin's new haircut is going to change his life alittle now.
can't believe he actually wanted to snip off his hair himself. XD
can't wait to read part two.
Initially the cutting hair part wasn't going to be quite so sensual, but I have the same thing where if ppl run their fingers through my hair or brush my hair, I get tingly feelings xD I figured in a fic about his hairstyle, it'd be interesting for him to have the same...kink? hahaha
Oh it'll change his life alright :D But the second part might not be what you expect~
Don't we all get the urge sometimes, when bad hair days seem to occur consecutively? @_@; I've done it before lol
Thanks for reading! ^^ I'll try to get it out asap~
Eep please don't die ^^; The update will kind of...be a while in coming but it WILL be updated, don't worry! Thanks for reading!
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