Life was good.

May 09, 2007 22:35

Life was fine.

Life didn't matter all the time.

My problems were yours,

Yours mine.

Our lives together mattered all the time.


Poem © Me, Kelsey Silbaugh, Hannibals-Child, Little_Beanie, BlackVelvetRose, ElChupa, PervertSennin 2007.

Wow, my life sucks right now.

I'm EMO, don'tchaknow.

I'm all tangled up in things. Graduation, work, relationships, emotions. And probably some other things, but there's too much going on right now.

Since my last entry, I've felt better.

There's no definitive advice. Or definative answers.

Besides that, I've got cosplaying things to worry about.


Anime Iowa: (August 10th-12th) - I'm going with Kat, my freind Ben's little sister and my aunt and cousins.

~Cat Girl
~Shounen Bat/Lil' Slugger
~Panda Girl

Nan Desu Kan 2007: (September 14th - 16th) - I'm also going with Kat, Jen, and Lada. Hopefully Josh if he doesn't have to work.

~Shounen Bat/Lil' Slugger
~Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV

I'll probably do something new for NDK as well this year, but so far it's undecided.

Well, that's all my ramblings for now.

Ciao. ~ K.

depression cosplay

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