Time Untime 1/?

Sep 07, 2012 12:55

Title: Time Untime
Chapter: 1/?
Author: little_artemis (AKA balthiersgirl on y!, and littleartemis everywhere else)
Rating: NC-17 (overall rating)
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Anna/Bela, Gabriel/Kali, Castiel, Anna, Balthazar, Mary Winchester, Sam Winchester
Warning: none
Summary: [Follows 'A Stitch In Time'] Dean's back and it's time to stop the apocalypse...again! Along the way him and Castiel may finally reconcile what they feel for each other.
Notes: Will slowly update this as I find time. And tag things as the chapters are updated.
Like the last part this will start with someone else's POV as a sort of 'Road so far' then go back to Dean's POV.
Disclaimer: All characters, and the world belong to their respective owners. I claim no rights to them, and make no profit from this fan work.

One would think the first person to notice Dean’s disappearance would be Mary. Each of them had been concerned about him after Sam’s death but naturally his Mother worried most.

To no ones surprise though, Castiel was the first to find out.

He comes rushing out of the room yelling about Dean missing just before Sam takes a heaving breath as his eyes flew wide open. Then before any of them can say a thing Castiel moves to leave so he can find Dean despite not even knowing where the other man was. He just needed him back…

A not-so-imposing figure blocks the way though. While the others could not see what he truly was…for the firs time that he could remember, Castiel could.

Gabriel’s true form was large and threatening almost. His six wings pulled in against his body. The three heads all focused only on the ex-angel before him, eyes unblinking. The sight caused Castiel to stumble back caught only by Jo’s arms around his shoulders preventing him from falling back onto Sam.

“Hey lil’ bro.” The archangel smirked stepping more into room seeming uncaring that the ex-angel was not looking into his vessels eyes but up at those of his true form. Only the humans seemed to notice, Jo waving a hand in front of Cas’ eyes as she frowned.

“Gabriel…” his voice drifted off before the life snapped back into him glaring at the other angel. “You were dead! I…Dean and Sam! They said Lucifer killed you! They did not see the evidence, no but you sent them your last will and testament basically!” throwing his hands up in the air Jo stepped back, looking from one man to the other before each human in the room decided to stay out of the argument.

Tilting his head to the side Gabriel regarded him for a moment, not angry or sad…more thoughtful. “So you do remember…Seems you picked up a few things this time though.” He smiled a little at Cas’ unabashed rage.

Eyes narrowing Cas raised one hand, pointing a finger threateningly at the other. “You! You should have known there would be repercussions to messing with time! Dean tried enough times to get his Mother to keep from the path that would lead them to the life of a hunter! That does not even cover that Fate will be pissed! You changed a major event! Why?! For some selfish glory?!”

Frowning the archangel stiffened at the accusations, his own eyes turning to slits, wings flaring though only visible to Castiel. “I know Fate will be angry, let her come if she wants. This is not like Balthazar unsinking the titanic. Not something as grand as that…And she’ll still get some souls. Apparently some things are unchangeable. As the Doctor says. Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey and all that.” Moving to the window in the room he looked out in thought. “I actually thought you’d appreciate it more…I did this for you. You were being torn up Cas…And then Dean jumped in…I was not going to let both of you fuck up the world because you’re too socially inept to just fuck it out. Or talk to each other like normal people for that matter.” Turning he leaned back against the window sill looking to the fallen angel, feeling the eyes on him.

“Pick up the jaw Sammy, it’s unattractive.” Smiling to him Gabriel tilted his head to the side as the young man swallowed hard, doing as he was told.

The room was silent for a moment, all eyes on Castiel wondering what his response would be. It seemed he would explode, doing all he could to contain his rage as his fists clenched and unclenched, eyes narrowed on his brother. Chest rising and falling as he thought on just what his next action would be. He could not strike Gabriel...not in this human body, lacking his grace...Gabriel’s bones were like stone compared to his own.

To their surprise he turned to the wall punching it before resting his head on the wall. “That idiot...he wasn’t supposed to jump in after me...” eyes closed his entire body shook with a barely contained rage. The rage he had for himself, Gabriel, Dean, Fate...and especially at God for abandoning them.

He would throw his hands up in the air and scream if he could but he stayed stone still. The shift of someone coming closer signalled that Gabriel sensed this in him, moving in closer.

“Look...I tried to stop Dean from going down again, I really did. But something blocked me from getting Sam out of that apartment as soon as I was able to tell something was up. I mean...I’ve been following him since the visions started happening but I think Atropos has been keeping me from halting key points in the timeline...probably learned it after the Titanic incident...Either way I wanted to stop Sammy from being taken and kidnapped but I was blocked. Same happened with Dean. I wasn’t able to sense him out and stop him. Couldn’t even do the old miracle on Sammy to bring him back for some reason...

“Key points can’t be changed and...Cas this means you’re going to have to go down and get him out.”

The ex-angel looked from his brother to everyone else in the room before his eyes were downcast in thought. He had felt the need to pull Dean from perdition tugging at him from inside, he could not deny this. Every piece of him screamed to jump into hell and save Dean...save him before he was broken, before hells forces sent someone else to retrieve the righteous man.

But he no longer had his grace...how could he do this?

“I have the solution to everything right here kiddo,” pulled from his thoughts he looked to Gabriel eyes widening as a vial with a small crystal was waved before his eyes the archangel having moved to stand before him. “Balthazar’s and Anna’s too. You’ll need a team after all. I can keep things safe up here while you three rescue Dean. Though...I think Anna will be after something else entirely...”

Before Gabriel could explain what he meant by that the red haired woman burst into the room, leaning - clinging - to the doorway as she stared at them. “Bela is dead. I...some hellish dogs ripped her apart! I couldn’t stop it!” tears streamed down her cheeks as Mary moved over to take the shaking woman into her arms.

As this went on a second vial appeared in Gabriel’s hands; Anael’s grace.

“Lilith is the one in charge of Dean and Bela’s deals. But I know a demon who can probably get around that to buy you guys some time. And I know who can probably persuade him to help you and Anna get Dean and Bela out of hell.” A third vial appeared, the chiming of glass hitting glass filling the room. Each hung by a chain from Gabriel’s fingers as he looked up at Cas. Smiling like the smug bastard the younger angel remembered him to be.

“What’s the catch?” this was Gabriel, he never did anything without a purpose. There had to be something behind all this. A master plan.

“Can’t I just want my little bro’s and my sister to be happy?” he gave the most pitiful of hurt looks though Cas just stared back, ignoring the sound of rushed footsteps. He knew who was coming, somehow Gabriel knew the three of them would gather here...

“Nothing is done without some purpose Gabriel. We both know that. You’ve alternate goals with this, though it’s noble you wish for us to be ‘happy’ just come out with what other motive you have.”

Scowling the archangel crossed his arms over his chest, “just don’t fuck up this time okay? I’d rather not have to deal with you and Juliet trying to die in each others arms. Or leviathans. That shit is locked away for a reason! Also can we try to keep Luci from killing off the pagan gods? I don’t want my ex-girlfriend to become a Kali-kebab?”

“Kali...? As in...?” attention was drawn to Sam for a moment at that question leaving Cas to take in this information.

“One and only. Lady’s all hands, but damn is she a firecracker when she wants to be!”

Tapping on Gabriel’s shoulder to catch his attention he offered his hand to the archangel, “my grace.” A simple statement, his eyes focused only on the others as he made his demand. He was going to get Dean back, no matter the cost. He had not even been given a chance to tell him how he felt before the fool sold his soul...

He was aware of Dean’s feelings, and Sam’s attempts at ‘hooking them up’, he just was not ready to reveal his own to Dean. Tell him how he had loved him since childhood too. Hoping Dean would find someone better than him and move on.

Cool glass touched the center of his hand and he wrapped his fingers tight around it, feeling almost whole. “Go find somewhere free from human eyes to drink it up. I’ll prep Anna and Balthie while you do that. And I swear if that stick gets shoved up your ass again -”

“I think you’ve more to worry about than me becoming more cold, Gabriel.” He smirked backing up towards the doorway. “You see...should the apocalypse start, it may need to wait a while. Because once his ass is out of hell I’m going to remind Dean Winchester that his ass is mine.”

He slinked out of the room though he could hear the sound of Sam crying ‘finally!’ even if Cas’ verbal reciprocation of Dean’s affections were a bit late. It was something. Moving into a room that was unoccupied he pulled the stopper on the vial before closing his eyes as his grace filled him.

It was a welcoming warmth that coursed through him, like basking in the sun on a spring day. Or feeling Dean’s embrace...

Like being home. Whole. Complete.

Still a part of him was missing, likely being skinned on the racks of hell. While the feeling of wings on his back was welcome he needed to put them to use and fast.

Appearing in the room with no warning he looked to Gabriel who just nodded in return, Anna and Balthazar both holding their respective graces. “I know it’s soon to be sending you down when you’re just getting your wings back but this is urgent. I’ll handle shit up here, especially concerning Dean’s disappearance, and collecting his body. Don’t want him waking up six feet under again. We’ll tell everyone Sam was mugged and he was lucky to survive. Gives him some time to recuperate with you guys. Can say Dean is off on some surprise vacation with you, Bela and Anna. That should buy you guys some time to get out.”

“And our work...?” he did not know if they would be able to continue it but they might as well tell them something.

“I’ll have Mary handle that. No one will suspect a thing if Momma bear says her baby needs time to relax. The Novak’s might be a little harder to handle but I trust Mary can take that too?” he looked to her as she nodded in answer. “Good. Okay lover boy, time for you and the other winged brats to go to work!”

Exchanging glances Anna and Balthazar left to take in their grace as Castiel looked to his brother. “You sure this is a good idea...? I want to rush in after him but last time I went down with a garrison...This time...we’re still regaining our strength...” his voice is low as he says this.

“I have faith in you three. If anyone can do it, you guys can. Don’t worry too much. Just try to move fast. Dean isn’t as solid as he was last time...” Reaching up to rest a hand on Castiel’s shoulder Gabriel gave him a faint smile. “Go on Romeo, Juliet needs you.”

“Feel more like Shrek saving Fiona from the dragon...” rolling his eyes to the ceiling he was grateful to feel the presence of the familiar figures behind him. “You two ready?”

“As I’ll ever be Cassie.”

“Lets go kick some demon ass and get my girlfriend back.”

He looked over his shoulder to them with a smile. Ever the dangerous figure of his sister...And oh so refined Balthazar. This would be interesting.

“Let’s go then.” Reaching out to them he felt their hands covering his own, and he closed his eyes as they disappeared.

character: gabriel, character: anna milton, pairing: anna/bela, fic: time untime, series: second chances, pairing: dean/castiel, character: balthazar, fandom: supernatural, character: sam winchester, character: castiel, character: mary winchester

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