Cestverse drabbles (various pairings)

May 21, 2012 13:56

Title: Untitled
Author: little_artemis (AKA balthiersgirl on y!, and littleartemis everywhere else)
Rating: G to NC-17
Word Count: NA
Fandom: My Bloody Valentine, Devour, Friday The 13th, New York Minute, Supernatural, Ten Inch Hero, 
Characters/Pairing: Tom Hanniger/Jake Gray, Clay Miller/Wade, Dean Winchester/Boaz Priestly, Castiel/Dean Winchester/2014!Cas, Dean Winchester/Castiel, Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki/Misha Collins
Notes: From the cestverse on tumblr.
Disclaimer: All characters, and the world belong to their respective owners. I claim no rights to them, and make no profit from this fan work.

He could hear Tom before his brother was even there. Feel his breath ghosting over his neck. The eldest always thought he was so quiet. So in control. But over time Jake had caught on to his ways. He was the quiet observer of the siblings. Knew how to tell each ones foot steps apart. Dean’s were the loudest. Boaz seemed to move with a practiced grace that came from not caring if his brother’s heard him or not…he was actually louder when he was trying not to get caught.

Naturally thought, he also saw it coming when Tom moved to grab him. This was a morbid routine of theirs. Tom needed someone to cut up to release his pent up urges, and Jake was an eager little pain slut. It was something kept between them, their dirty little secret and he fucking loved it. Loved the feel of Tom’s teeth sinking into his shoulder as the other worked his clothes off. He was only careful not to tear it as he did not want anyone to notice something was off.

As soon as the clothing was on, Tom’s switch blade dug into his side drawing a gasp from the younger man. A gasp that was quickly followed by a moan and a string of curses that Jake had to bite his lip hard to suppress. Somehow while it could have ended up in rough sex that would have his vision going white around the edges both of them would come with Jake in a bleeding mess on his bed. His brother’s sticky seed coated his chest as his chest rose and fell, eyes closing.

They would continue for another round not too soon after. Tom pushing into his brother with no preparation or lube, carving into him cruelly. Jake moaning like a slut in heat, writhing, the pain turning into pleasure easily for him as he bit his lip enough to tear it. Trying not to scream his name as he reached his orgasm again.

It always surprised him how no one ever asked how his sheets ended up covered in blood on the days before Tom had one of his ‘calmer’ episodes.


Clay was having a hard time paying attention to the movie. Though it was not like it was all that interesting. Some chickflick they had turned on to amuse themselves. But Wade had his face pressed against Clay’s neck, breathing in his brother’s scent, and he was ready to hit him.

At any point someone could walk in on them like this, Wade pressed against him almost wantonly. Something that would be more expected from Trey then the more skittish one of his siblings.

Yet here he was with Wade’s hand trailing fingers along his chest, drawing a sharp gasp from him. He should have expected it though. Any time their siblings disappeared for questionable reasons Wade got antsy. And now he knew why. He could feel his brother’s arousal pressed against his thigh, his own length hardening in return.

Swallowing hard, he let out a muffled moan as the others lips crashed against his own. His brother straddled his hips quickly, arms looping around his neck as he grinded down against the other. Clay’s rocking up in answer to the unspoken plea. His hands moved to partially strip them.

It did not take long for him to have the other prepared, fingers sliding in and out. He let out a low moan against Wade’s neck, feeling the others tight head around his hardness, almost milking him. A soft moan of his brother’s name escaped him, breath ghosting along his skin.

They reached the peak together, collapsing back against the couch, relaxing in a mess of lips and soft moans. Hands exploring each other. Eyes closed, content.

This was the closest they had ever been, and neither thought they could ever turn back after this.


Really Dean could deny it all he wanted. Claim over and over again that he was only a woman’s man. But no matter what he said, Boaz knew his brother liked dick. Dean had ridden him enough times that he knew full well the older Winchester was definitely not as straight as he claimed to be.

Though Dean would deny all accusations of riding said dick and begging for it like a whore. How he had once gotten on his knees in front of Boaz while the man was watching TV. Slipped his hands up underneath his kilt before his head disappeared beneath it, taking his brother’s cock into his mouth and sucking with much more enthusiasm then was needed.

Though…Boaz never really minded it.

Especially when he had Dean’s tight ass wrapped around his dick, his bowed legs encircling his waist. His brother arching underneath him as he moaned needily, begging him for something that only he could give him. It was something purely between them. A primal need that Dean trusted only Boaz to give him, and fuck did he give it to him good. He slammed into Dean, bruising his neck and ass. Leaving him unusable for hours. And unable to walk for even longer after.

Just the way Dean liked it. Because it meant that for god knows how long after the man would sit down with a pleasant ache in his ass reminding him of the stolen moment against the wall in the hall. When for a small while Dean belonged to just Boaz.


Cassie knew that eventually he would find Cas with someone else. It was the basic truth of having an open relationship. One day his brother would find someone else to love. It did not mean Cassiel had to like it though. He loathed the thought of his baby brother being with another man or woman.

What he did not expect was for it to be so soon.

Walking into his dear brother’s room, he did not bother to knock assuming Cas would be alone. What he found made the blood flood to his cheeks and to his groin.

Their neighbour Dean Winchester was on his hand and knees, gripping at the carpet beneath him. His face was completely red as he pressed it against the floor, hiding likely out of embarrassment. He was naked and squirming underneath Castiel who was pressed against his back, his cock shoved into Dean until you could not even see it. The slightest of sounds were leaving the Winchester as he continued to squirm.

“Hello Cassie…care to join us? Dean’s mentioned a desire to…feel two cocks inside him before. I think we could assist him in that wish.” A small smile formed on his lips, hips jerking forward a little roughly into Dean, pulling a wanton, slightly submissive cry from the other man. “Isn’t that right Dean?”

“Please…please of fuck, please.” He rambled, licking his lips slowly. “Want you both inside me. Just please. Fuck me.” He said a little breathlessly.

Cassiel’s throat felt dry, his eyes wide as he stared at them before slowly moving forward. The door was shut and locked behind him, stripping as he moved over to his brother and his…pet.

He did not like the idea of someone else taking his brother’s heart…but the perks were definitely there.


The summer had been hot. Way too hot. It did not help that most of the Winchester boys were having a hard time finding and keeping work. Dean was working mostly part time helping his Dad and Bobby, while Sam was out of college for the summer.

To make matters worse, Tom was on a new string of medications. Jake was being his usual fucked up self and was seeing his therapist more often because he kept talking about creepy day dreams involving their mother burning on the ceiling.

Wade and Clay were being their usual neurotic selves so of course they had that to look forward too. Both of them jumping at every damn sound. Dean swore he should get some horror movie sound track to tape to his hip just to mess with them. They were too easy.

It seemed Trey and Priestly were the only two who could manage some form of stable work. Which annoyed Dean more then he would like as other than Sam, Boaz was the only person he could tolerate.

But…the upside was that he could ogle their neighbours.

Biting on his bottom lip he leaned precariously over the edge of the railing on their back porch, his eyes scanning over two of the Novak brother’s. He was watching as Cassiel massaged the sun tan lotion into Castiel’s back. Eyes raking over them as the youngest brother’s muscles flexed. His mouth felt dry and his breath was quickening as he watched this. Fuck he might have a hard time hiding it with his swim trunks on.

He nearly jumped ten feet as a hand rested on his slightly sun burnt shoulder, a familiar voice in his ear.

“Hey Dean, watching Cas again?” Jenny sounded a little too cheerful. And he was frustrated enough to wipe the smug smile off his little brother’s face.

“Don’t you have some fuckin’ underwear modelling shoot to be at?” he growled out, looking over his shoulder at the other as Jensen scowled back.

“For your information, I’m auditioning for a TV show. Jared’s going with me. Have fun with that boner by the way. And Boaz isn’t getting back until later tonight. Jack ass.” That said the youngest of the decaplet’s retreated, leaving Dean completely red faced.

It did not help that when he turned back to look over at his neighbours yard Cassiel and Castiel were both leaning over the fence with wicked smiles. Smiles that seemed to promise something fun for Dean.

This summer might have been hot…but it was going to be fun.


The entire ‘meet the new neighbours!’ had been completely on accident for Jensen. Or as his brother’s oh so fondly called him ‘Jenny’. Jensen really could not tell if they were being assholes, or if it was in reference to the fact that he wore ‘women’s clothing’ sometimes. Though in his defence, he just really liked wearing it.

Not to mention, he had walked in on Dean in a lacy pink thong and no one picked on Dean for it.

But the day he met Misha Novak was a day he would not forget. At the same time, one he wanted to forget completely.

He had been walking home that day with Jared on his heels, talking with him about up coming auditions as well as the photoshoot. His own heels were clicking on the pavement as he looked mostly at the ground. Jensen was not paying any attention to his surroundings. Or at how people were staring at the wiry man with a purse on one arm wearing a black leather skirt, nylons and a v-neck sweater.

In all honesty he was used to the looks.

What he was not used to was his heel breaking as he walked causing him to fall onto someone walking towards them. Someone his build wearing an atrocious multi-coloured shirt and skirt. Sky blue eyes looked into his own, both grimacing with pain. The stranger likely from the pain of Jensen landing on him while Jensen was from the pain in his now twisted ankle.

Jared rushed over apologizing to the man who’s hair was so dark it seemed to suck in the light. He was mesmerizing to the youngest of the Winchester decaplets. It took a few moments before Jared got his brother’s attention and Jensen was murmuring a quick apology. His freckled cheeks were a deep red as he clung onto the taller man.

“S-sorry…I wasn’t paying attention.” He snuggled up against the warm body holding him, wanting to hide away out of embarrassment.

“All good. Just a little bruising. Hey! You’re from that family that moved in next door to mine! Funny bumping into you out in the city here!” His grin was wide almost taking up most of his face. “I’m Misha Novak! You two are…?”

“Jared Winchester. This is Jenny.” Jared’s voice was teasing as he held his older brother a little tighter against his chest, laughing as the smaller male buried his face against his chest.

“Nice t’ meet you both. Hey I gotta run, I’ll talk to you later!” before either could say anything more Misha was gone leaving them to watch him go with some wonder.

And that was how they met the man who would soon be overlord of their heart.

type: drabble, actor: jensen ackles, pairing: dean/castiel, type: crossover, actor: misha collins, verse: cestverse, character: boaz priestly, fandom: ten inch hero, pairing: dean/priestly, character: dean winchester, fandom: supernatural, actor: jared padalecki, character: castiel

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