so i just got done watching the documentary "supersize me." i'll say, it was an excellent compliment to the book
fast food nation. i recommend you watch/read those immediately. i had given up fast food within the first chapter of the book, and it was further confirmed with watching that movie
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But yeah, here it goes.
If I'm not mistaken, you've given up fast food and sugar to lose weight? Have you ever considered giving up meat totally? (Ideally, of course, I would love if everyone were to go vegan, for a plethora of reasons that I won't try to shove into one comment, but vegetarianism is a step.) Animal products are THE source of cholesterol in someone's diet, and a whooooole lot of the fat. Not to mention that meat-eating has been linked with cancer and heart disease--heart disease being the number one killer of Americans over EVERYTHING else.
...Just thought I'd throw that out there. Do with it what you will.
problem is, i really like chicken and fish, and a main staple in my diet is egg whites.
if i were to be vegitarian or vegan, it would be for moral issues more than health issues.
btw, sorry i never called you back! i lost yet another cell phone on the trip down that had all my numbers! we'll hang out next time i'm in seattle :)
nuts? legumes?
besides, you get plenty more HDL from animal products than any plant source.
i'm not an opponent of a vegan/vegetarian diet, if done properly, but when it comes to a line between morals and health - there's absolutely nothing wrong with animal products in the diet.
i should mention that i used to be a vegetarian, and gave in to poultry and fish. i'm actually healthier and have less bf% than when i was a vegetarian. but of course, different strokes for different folks.
if someone limits their intake of refined sugars & grains, processed foods, and trans-fats/saturated fats they're good to go.
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