Aug 03, 2005 22:49

Hello folks. I figure that I should probably put a FAQ up here for whoever wants to read this thing. So here it is. :) (By the way, I didn't come up with the questions, in case you were wondering why they were rather odd.)

Q. Who are you?
  A. I am the person doing this journal.

Q. How do you make these?
  A. I draw them by hand, and then scan it onto my computer. Once there, I open it in either Photoshop Elements or GIMP and add the text. The text I use is Palatino Linotype and Century Gothic.

Q. May I use your comics in graphics?
  A. Yeah, sure. Feel free to make icons or banners or whatever. :) Just don't make the characters say things they really shouldn't.

Q. What ships do you float?
  A. Personally, I am a Huddy follower. I also support House/Wilson and Chase/Cameron. Oh, and that little old Syphilis Lady/any living male.

Q. What is your quest?
  A. For this journal? To be funny. *crosses fingers*

Q. What is your favourite colour?
  A. Hugh's eyes.

Q. Rhubarb? why the?
  A. I really don't know.

Q. How often do you update?
  A. Hughsdays and Thursdays. Unless I totally forget or turn into my alter ego Captain Lazy, head of the Procrastination Squad.

Q. Do you support chocolate flavoured taffy?
  A. I really wouldn't know. I don't eat taffy.

Q. What is your motivation?
  A. Sugar. Oh I'm sorry, I thought you said what makes me do this.

Q. Do you affiliate?
  A. ... I'm trying to come up with a witty comment for this, but I can't think of anything. So, yeah, I'll stick ya in the userinfo if I like you enough. ;)

Q. Where can I contact you?
  A. littlehouseonlj @ gmail.com

Q. Why do you type the text instead of put it in by hand?
  A. Cause otherwise you wouldn't be able to read it.

Q. Will you do the fandango?
  A. Perhaps.

Q. What aboot friending?
  A. Feel free to add me. :)

Q. I don't like your work.
  A. And I don't think that's a question. This is Frequently Asked Questions.

Q. Marry me?
  A. Whoa, let's not rush this now.
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