Am I insane?????

Aug 29, 2002 18:26

It's been a few days. I think I'm running a sanity check. I'll let you know what the results are after this coming weekend.

I worked all night on Tuesday (7p-7a) and then proceeded to classes. I missed the first one after :taking a shower to wake me up, taking one child to school and the other to my grandmother's, having 2 cups of coffee at my grandmother's, and then driving. OK, I'm warning ya, you don't want me to be near you when I've been up all night working. Particularly in a car. I actually made it there, and home. I was in bed and asleep by 5. My mom woke me briefly when she brought the kids home. Overall, I slept 14 hours. and got another call to go in today. I accepted the call. I'm telling ya, I'm insane.

The really cool part is that this is the second facility asking for me by name. That of all the agencies they could have called, and nurses they could ask for, they called the agency I work for and asked for ME! not a nurse... TRACIE. That is an absolutely awesome feeling. I am soo psyched. Missing 4 questions on my spanish quiz can't make me feel bad. Tho, I do think I need to make sure I *know* spanish a bit better before the next class.

I wanted to go see John in Baton Rouge this weekend. I think. I'm not sure. I want to see him, but more cuz I want to get out than that I want to see HIM. He's really nice. not like the bad kind "he's a nice guy that I'll never like" nice. but, really nice. He's satisfied with this whatever state that we are in. And when I'm with him, he's affectionate, happy, fun. And I'm happy with the way that things are. but...I wanna feel loved tho. and my daughters just aren't enough these days. you know that feeling- that "mad about you can't get enough of you every minute i'm alive is a minute i should spend with you" feeling. I miss that. I want that. for about a week. lol. I think I may become that "high maintenance" woman that I dread being just to attract a man. Men seem to love high-maintenance women. The more he has to cater to, the more he has to complain about, I guess.

Another reason for a sanity check... I'm carrying 18 hours this semester. I have to drop one. I don't want to drop any of them. Each class on its own is fine, not too much of a challenge. I believe I am overextending myself however. Should I drop the computer business class, or the Chemistry class? Pluses to both of those. I don't know. We'll see.

Off to work.

And hello to my english teacher. I mentioned this thing in there today. and he put the website up. Just so he knows, I'm a bit of an exhibitionist... so there was NO way I was saying no to posting my site. just another way to be a showoff. :Þ
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