Is it over? Is it really over?

Mar 15, 2005 20:14

LifeTeen. [Sunday]
I ran into Marcella at Mass and that was a bit weird, but pleasant. I remember when we were actual friends in eigth grade. Then I grabbed Erin, braced myself and headed for the free dinner, where I found myself promising Rick that I was back as faithful Heather regardless of whether Erin is present or not. Let's see if Heather can keep promises. Then Erin came over and we watched parts of Degrassi, where there is a possibility of a 17-year-old ending up with a hawwwt yoga/media immersions teacher. Gets me everytime.

It's the smiling on the package
It's the faces in the sand
It's the thought that moves you upwards
Embracing me with two hands

Bowling. [Monday]
We were the only kids there below the ripe age of 63, so that was not awkward at all. The old geezers most likely thought we were skipping. Oh, how I suck at bowling. The best I bowled I think was a 72 and every other shot of mine was a gutterball. But oh, how I <3 DDR. I wish RV was there, he would have loved to play with me. It was a pretty fun time, until it rained so hard. Therefore, I couldn't go to the beach. Blah.

Right will take you places
Yeah maybe to the beach
When your friends say you come crying
Tell them now your pleasure's set upon slow release

Communicating with People. [Monday]
Blue called, but it was weird once again. Especially since my brother answered and he likes to see me squirm. It was also weird because I realized I do not like him. I don't think I do at least.
Finally talked to Bridget Gor. I am caught up with her and I am so excited for her lol. =D
Video IM-ed with Tito. That was awesome. I sounded retarded because I was so easily amused, and I kept on yelling, "This is sooo cool." I mean, it was cool, but Tito must have been annoyed. But it was fun.
Called Sarah. I am caught up with her as well. It shocked me for a bit, but then I felt bad because I haven't kept up with her for about 6 months. I am a horrible friend. But then we talked and I felt for her. She must be in terrible pain. I have faith in her though, and she will work at getting ohkay.

You've come to love me like me
Yeah you've come to hold me tight
Is this motion everlasting
Or do shudders pass in the night?

Rain and Soccer. [Tuesday]
I met up with Sarah to talk. She is still same old Sarah and together we are still insane and loud. We cheered on our little brothers soccer team and screamed together when we saw lightning and heard the thunder. I love it when we are together. I missed the old times. We didn't get to talk much about her situation, but I think she is doing better. It was a good way for her to get back on track I guess, just being silly. She tried to teach me how to rave to the awesome techno music she had, but alas, I do not have 'raving' hands. And since the weather was not cooperating, the game got cancelled, and we all had to go home. Bosh.

By Bowling Nicknames (L-R): Electric Erin, Lightning Luke, Lightning Lauren and Atomic Amy

Pool, and I thought this picture was a cool perspective.

Jazzy Jess and Ho-down Heather.

Dance Dance Revolution, I love you so.

Every time I go to sleep at night, I close my eyes and see arrows.

Sarah! What are you doing down here?!

Sarah loves to drive... literally.

So the four day weekend is over. School has begun. I am back to the world of homework, back to the land of boring Zinone lectures and rambling Bascle sessions. Back to the wonderful realm of monotonous uniforms, and jerk persons. Oh how I love education.


This weekend there is an Audiobomb/Soul Purpose show. I want to go just for the chance that I might see Margaret again, and to see how Audiobomb is doing... and I guess to see if Soul Purpose does well.

After this weekend there are two and a half more days until
S. P. R. I. N. G. B-R-E-A-K.
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