Title: Life Without Fraser, or How Ray Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Moose
Author: Littera Abactor
Fandom: due South
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Rating: PG
Author's Note: This was originally commentfic; it's being posted here in a very slightly modified form because
makesmewannadie deserves to get her way all the time. It's dedicated to
lyra_sena, who pretty much
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Thank you!
(And you do deserve to get your way all the time, because, OK, the pluses would be political sanity and equal rights and wombats and salads for all and no more stupid co-workers ever. And the minuses would pretty much just be an overabundance of Oreos. So, yeah, I'm definitely for it. And I'm doing my part by complying with the new regime voluntarily!)
Hey, maybe she can get an endorsement from the Unitarian Jihad!
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