". . . Fishing was a sacrament, and therefore, after the strike, when his head was clear, there was the blurry aftertaste of ritual: the casting of the spoon in lazy repetitions, the slow cranking, the utterance of the clicking reel, the baiting of the clean hook, and the cosmic intuitive troll for the deep pools of cool water beneath the gloss of a wind-dead afternoon. Each fish seemed to arrive as a miracle out of the silence: a largemouth bass gasping for air, gulping the sky, gyrating, twisting, turning against the leader's force. But then he was struck by lightning and afterward felt like a fish on the end of the line. There was a paradigm shift: He identified purely-at least for a few months-with the
fish, dangling, held by an invisible line tossed down from the heavens."
-David Means