Nov 06, 2008 10:47
CONTENT TO LEAVE THE FALL FOR ALL time and time again to pick up discontent dissolved drop by drop in rain from leaves sure to fall off before too long. Belong and behoove the cleft shelf with sacred texts. Be here. Be near where content collates to cool off press of heat and fire of heart. Consider the mobster, stately and plump, all set to dine on lobster boiled already dead-hung from slow and loose theft. Die-cast memories of armies of zeroes and ones and the infinite set between them returned to the customer service kiosk in jest just as fear would have it. Shave it off, start over. Game on.
What was done and said that was fun. That sometimes sun set back before the hors d'oeuvre discarding the forwarding of the parody of the political process as seen through the eyes of hubris as seen on TV in eye witness rapport porous and condensed, bordering the word hoard in order to find what went on
after the end of the break in space fast enough to clear the bus and still bust a move.