Sep 24, 2004 12:37

the poetry slam was sooooo amazing that I'm still glowing from the experience. It was like a secular church of hippie green people, and I was totally a congregate. I especially felt that way because one of the guys sounded like a mix of gospel preacher and rap artist, but he was talking about how if we focused more on global issues then maybe we wouldn't have all this racial pain going on. Anyway, it was so cool. The place was covered with amazing murals and everyone there had such a good vibe. Like, I think I've found my religion or something. It makes me wanna wear corderoy and old T-shirts. Like, I totally felt like I was in Seattle and Clare Danes was totally right there with me.


Yeah, I'm painfully excited about slams now. I was like, man, I'm finally in college. Like, I think until last night I had never actually been a college student. It makes me want to drink or something, but then again, alcohol just gives me headaches so maybe not. Anyway, so now I totally want to live in the 21st street co-op. I wonder if I can live there after I graduate? Then I'd have even more time to relish in the collegeness! Like, AH! The murals! And all the common areas-- kitchens, livingrooms-- had glass walls so there was no privacy. That's the way I like it! I thought I had it good sleeping in the living room, but my little segment in the apartment cannot compete with the beauty that is the 21st street co-op!

hay carramba!

I think Gracia was pretty psyched too. Anyway, the attic slams are a monthly thing, so I will keep ya'll posted.
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