(no subject)

Sep 22, 2004 12:40

Essay due today. Now I feel under pressure because although my prof gave me a great compliment on my first essay, i think i wrote a good one by mistake. i don't know if i can match it. i think the essay i'm about to turn in is way more insightful, but i had a hard time conveying my thoughts. i think Twombly (my prof) really appreciates organization and simplicity. This one isn't too organized. :(

Yeah, so like both my english classes require 8 two-page papers of us. So that's 16 papers i have to write this semester, which comes out to one paper per week! You're thinking, oh well, at least each essay is only two pages. But no! Length is decieving. Even though the essay only needs to be 2 pages, I still have to put the same amount of work into conceiving my thesis and arguments. That's the evil part, no matter how long the final product is. This essay I'm about to turn in 10 minutes from now took me about 10 hours to write. It was seriously an all day affair.

I hate essay writing. This semester is pretty evil. And I don't have as much time for Pirate either, which sucks because I'm under pressure to catch up with the XSI gods there. School is really hurting my ability to learn 3d animation right now. I graduate in the spring though, so hopefully even if I must neglect 3d for now, I can still get back into it next semester.

Also, I sleep too much. I go to sleep at 11pm and wake up at 7:30am. My roommates go to sleep like, at 1am or later and wake up at like, 6am! And the guys at Pirate just don't sleep. Maybe I sleep too much to get into the animation business. If I slept less, I'd have time to do all my homework, write those essays, and go to Pirate. I hate how much I sleep, but I don't have the will power to resist nodding off.

Anyway, got to go to class.
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