"Recent reports of date-rapes, thefts, kidnapping and other crimes in
the U.S. and Canada have been attributed to Burundanga - a potent form
of scopalamine that has been used for decades in Columbia in native
rituals, as a weapon and by criminals who prey on tourists... A State
Department Consular Warning issued last month warns tourists to avoid
unnecessary travel to Columbia because of terrorist activities in
general - and particularly to Bogata and Cali where Burundanga is
given to unsuspecting visitors in chewing gum, chocolate, drinks or
dusted on pieces of paper. Even small doses of the drug are reported
to cause "submissive" behavior, while larger doses apparently cause
almost instantaneous unconsciousness, followed by complete anterograde
amnesia. A 1991 article "Scopalamine intoxication as a model of
transient global amnesia" by A. Ardila and C. Moreno describes
Burundanga as an extract of the Borrachio ("drunken") tree and other
plants belonging to the Daturu or Brugsmania genus. Hollister
classified Datura and related plants as hallucinogens in his classic
volume on "Chemical Psychoses" but it is probably more accurate to
view these drugs as sedative-hypnotics on the basis of their powerful
hypnotic and amnesic effects."
Corpus Delicti: Burundanga - The Next Colombian Drug Threat
http://www.corpus-delicti.com/smp/Pittel_Burundanga.html "When Colombians talk about a national drug problem, it's sometimes
not cocaine or heroin they mean. It's burundanga. A tasteless and
odorless powder, burundanga sends those who consume it into a
voodoolike trance. Dozens of times each week, somewhere in Colombia, a
criminal sprinkles the soluble powder into the food or drink of a
victim and then waits for the person to turn into a disoriented zombie
- awake and talkative but powerless to resist orders. Criminals then
tell their victims to make bank withdrawals, hand over their car keys
and clothing, perhaps deliver narcotics or even help empty their
apartments of furniture... Burundanga-bearing criminals lurk around
airports, bus terminals and popular bars, or go door to door
pretending to be salespeople, persuading housewives to take whiffs of
products containing the powder and some sort of gaseous mixture."
Seattle Times: Crooks in Colombia cook up crime wave with zombie drug