My new most favorite song is by The Hush Sound. I've never heard of them before, but since I don't listen to radio (Pandora, yes, but not radio) I've got no concept of how well known they are/were.
So, if I were to say to someone, "You really need to hear this song!", would I get an "Oh, wow, thank you!" back? Or an "Um. Duh!"? LOL.
The song in question: The Boys are Too Refined
(ETA: Crap. The "Embed Media" button didn't work, and I can't immediately see why. So here, have a link to the YouTube vid of this song instead! I'm gonna go fart around with things and see if I can't figure embedding media out...) Those with a poetry bent and those who've been in SPN fandom from the beginning will most likely get why I love this song with all my heart and haven't been able to stop listening to it for days. Now that I've heard it. ♥
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