These folks here are looking to raise startup funds for a free, professional-level, distributed video editor.
Some features:
- Distributed workflow - collaboratively edit video with other artists over the Internet
- Distributed storage - seamlessly store and synchronize video files across multiple computers and the cloud
- Distributed rendering - seamlessly spread rendering and encoding across multiple computers and the cloud
I have to confess that I'm partially enamored with them because the first item in their Why Are We Developing It? section is "because there's no reason for Joss Whedon to ever have a show canceled."
So, vidders, check it out. If it looks worthy to y'all, help 'em out if you can & spread the word.
(I want them to get the software up & running just because it looks like it'll be fun to play with, but, y'know, note the disclaimer above.)
(Also, if you like supporting artistic or creative endeavors of any sort, browse that website. It's full of musicians, filmmakers, artists, techies, and other creative sorts who need funding for specific projects (in various amounts -- from a couple hundred dollars to several grand, depending on the project) and are asking for small (sometimes as little as a dollar) donations to get it underway.)
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