Jun 18, 2004 01:02
I need money sooo bad! I'm about to go crazy. I have my financial situation under control, but right now it's really binding and it's driving me insane. Marc and I need to seriously figure things out with the whole $ situation. Hopefully, I'll make good tips this weekend, but tha'ts highly doubtful. I hate working Friday and Saturdays. It sucks cause business sucks hard core! Went into Third Dimensions today and they aren't hiring at the moment, but probably will be in the next couple of weeks. That would be a double bonus if I got a job there because then I would get my hair colored for only like $6. That would be so awesome! Plus, 50% off all hair products. So exciting! Once I get everything payed off I want to start saving money and stuff for Christmas. I know it's far off, but my parents birthdays are both right before Christmas so I like to have some extra money saved up before hand. Anyways, tomorrow I think I'm going to wash my car and lay out in the sun. Probably take Sally down to the pool with me. She loves laying down there and rolling around in the grass. It's good for her also. I'm really excited for Kel to get back. Which reminds me I need to request my days off for Tim McGraw. I'm so excited! Ugh, I'm so frustrated! I really want to go out iwth Ryan again, but he hasn't said anything to me about going out again. Robert and Jordan both said that he wants to go out with me again, but I just don't get it, he never calls me or anything. Oh well. I guess whatever happens, happens. I'm off to bed. Night all!