opening doors

Apr 24, 2006 10:09

One small item which as it turns out may be a large item. I need to network for all sorts of different supports.

The biggest issue momentarily is my teeth are in horrible shape. I'm in need of two root canals, possibly a third. We simply have no money for this.

I believe the assistance programs won't serve me since we do have insurance.

This is the tip of the money iceberg. Hopefully, a ray of sunshine will appear and melt these issues down.

I just feel a little hopeless. I'm uncertain whether to put my energies to continue the job hunt until trc get's back to me, or to give this up and focus on finding offices which will help. There has to be some option.

This last week is our 'thin week'. IT's so stressful to be almost at zero.

We have sufficient food, but we can have NO emergencies. A such is life in this timeline.

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