livejournal's laaame

Nov 13, 2006 17:39

so why am i indulging in it's efforts to distract me from things i ought to be doing?
because i'm a horrible procrastinator, but you know what? I get shit done, dammit.
it's hard to keep from being down on myself for all the time i waste not doing work, but when all is said and done I think I ought to be proud of myself for being confident that i won't unsat anything this semester and for working hard in my jobs.
today started at 6:30 when i began to wake myself up (a process which requires 3 alarms in 15 minute intervals to succeed) to be on the road by 7:30 to make it to Sarasota in time for Music Theory at 11. There are a million things on my agenda for November-December.
I am excited about my final composition for Music Theory, and have truly loved that class.
I'm vaguely intrigued but am mortally [morbidly?] fearing my final paper/project for Embodiment.
I am horribly behind in Conscience and Other Virtues readings, and have truly only been doing a mediocre job as a student in that class. Sucks to feel like i'm disappointing Langston.
How am i ever going to accomplish my ambitious ISP? It is really just an ordinary philosophy-themed ISP, but is [analytic] philosophy really what I want to be doing?
I think I want to write my thesis on the philosophy of International Human Rights Law.
oh dear, where is all the time going?
[my extremely rare posts these days/years emphasizes how quickly the time goes]
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