Less than 120 hours left -- please sponsor me!

Sep 04, 2006 18:17

I'm participating in the 2006 Sit a Thon to support Camp Hope, an organization that puts on a free camp for kids with cancer.

I'm hoping that you will sponsor me -- it's a very good cause -- helps children who don't have much normalcy have some.

Please click the link to sponsor me through Paypal or Snailmail -- my full name, for those of you who don't know it, is Erika Clare. You'll need to enter my name so that it shows up on my list.

If you do sponsor, please comment and let me know you did and how much, so that I can thank you, and so that I can keep track. Comments are screened for your privacy.

For any questions, please see my FAQ about this event below.

What in heaven's name is a Sit-a-Thon?

It's an event where you sit for ten hours to raise some money for charity. The 2006 event will be held in Warwick at Goddard Memorial State Park from 8am to 6pm on September 9th, 2006.

You lazy bitch.

Love you too.

No seriously... why don't you do something normal like a walk-a-thon? And why should we pay you to sit around on your duff all day?

RE: normal -- I'm not normal
RE: Why should you pay me... First of all, you aren't paying ME. Second of all, it's a really really good cause to help children with cancer. Third of all, I'm looking into putting part of the time towards knitting preemie caps for newborn babies in the hospital or some similar project. So I won't be doing nothing.

Who the hell would put on an event like this?

That would be Obscure Company. For more information, see http://www.obscurecompany.com/

What's in it for me?

The warm fuzzy feeling that you get from helping kids who are suffering. Also, your donation is tax deductable.

Hey, I wanna sit for kids with cancer!

Great, I could use some company! Sign up to sit at http://www.obscurecompany.com/sitathon

OK, you've convinced me, ya lazy bum...... how do I donate?

The easiest way is through paypal. There is also a promise form on the following link, where you can promise a donation and they'll mail you info about where to send your shekels. http://www.obscurecompany.com/donatesitter.htm

Remember, you'll need to enter my name in the form as well. That's Erika with a K and Clare with no i and an e at the end. Or donate anonymously, if you prefer.

If you know me personally, I can take a check as well.
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