Jun 03, 2005 12:10
Cried: the other nyt
Bought something: food at the Lena drive in yesterday!
Gotten sick: ah the story of my life! Lol no just the past 6 months
Sang: an hour ago in my car
Eaten: this morning..eggs n English muffin! yumm
Felt stupid: oh yesterday, I was being really dumb in the car…
Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: I don’t think so..
Met someone new: last nyt! At the welcome the 7th graders nyt
Moved on: hmm recently..
Talked to an ex: I don’t really have ex’s per say just old boys…but yeah yesterday?
Missed an ex: oh it enters my mind every once in a while
Talked to someone you have a crush on: nada
Had a serious talk: hmm tues nyt with becky
Missed someone: now
Hugged someone: today in yearbook
Fought with your parent: oh we’ve had our share of arguments over school things like this past month but not anymore! School is out for the summer!!
Dreamed about someone you can't be with: nada
Who is your role model: probably becky, cristle, my mom
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: um yeah my brothers friends who are years n years older than me lol
Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: um yeah a few times
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: lets see, sorta..i think I have two different types..but I like them both so heyy lol
Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): yeah..
Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: hm yeah I never did, I was just mad at the time
Rather be dumper or dumped: sadly I’m usually the dumper…I don’t intend to be I don’t want anyone to have to be dumped…its just all so confusing..
Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationships are worthwile
Want someone you don't have right now: nada
Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: nope
Do you want to get married: yeah duh
Do you want kids: yeah a few
Do you believe in psychics: definitely not
Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: I’m not sure…unless something changes lol
What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: I actually like me toes even tho everyone says that’s stupid becuz feet are nasty lol n my hairs not too bad
What is your favorite part of your emotional being: hmm I care bout ppl haha I dunno
Are you happy with you: most of the time, theres always things to work on however
Are you happy with your life: yeah, I’m so blessed
If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: probably just to not push people away
{..Have you..}
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Been rejected?: not like by a boy, but I never ask so ya know..i dunno that’s a hard one
Been in love?: I’ve loved people..not in love tho
Used someone?: probably =(
Been used?: probably
Done something you regret?: yeah
{..Who was the last person..}
You touched?: oh gosh..mm shawn actually lol I hit him in the hallway
talked to?: laurel on txt but in person case or shawn?
You instant massaged?: aaron hamm
You had sex with?: nope
You yelled at?: mom, sometimes she doesn’t get things n that makes me mad
You laughed with?: casey
Who broke your heart?: i wont say that one…
{..Have you/do you/are you..}
Stolen anything?: nope
Smoke? : no
Panic?: have been..
Anxiety?: have been..
Depressed?: I have been before
Suicidal?: no
Cut yourself?: no
Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore?: no
If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: at an Atlanta Braves game with my friends cuz its da summertime!! And I wanta do something summery!
What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: I seriously do not even pay attention to those things…I like dimples but if you don’t have them its not like eww gross lol
Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: possibly, depends on what she stood for
Would you marry for money?: lol no, it’d be nice if he did have it tho!
Have you had braces?: for 6 months! Heck yes I’m so lucky lol
Do you like hairy backs?: mm they’re not especially attractive…altho I like hairy guys I’m super weird
Could you live without a computer?: It’d be possible but I really like my computer
Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc: yeah
If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: I have different s/n but my main one has 110
you could live in any past, where would it be?: in like Little Women time, where you get to wear those cool dresses n have men ask for a dance lol itd be soo cute!
Do you wear white socks?: eh it varies..
Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: shoes in your household? Why?
Your favorite fruit?: aww man…strawberries or kiwi
Do you eat wheat bread or white?: wheat cuz my family is on a health kick
What is your favorite place to visit?: GEORGIA, GEORGIA, the whole nyt thru, just that old sweet song keeps GEORGIA on my mind lol well ya know…
What is the last movie you saw?: the longest yard
{..even more questions..}
Are you photogenic?: eh I don’t really care what I look like in pictures…most of the time i have a stupid look on my face anyways lol so I guess no..
you dream in color or black and white?: both
Are you wearing fingernail polish?: a little, I definitely need to redo them
Do you have any dimples? Aww if only!
Do you remember being born?: haha no not particularly
Why do you take surveys?: cause I just got out of school and its SUMMER! duh
Do you drink alcohol?: if I’m a law abiding citizen I wouldn’t drink til I’m 21…except I don’t think theres many law abiding citizens left in this world…so pathetic teenagers..
Did you like elementary or do you like high school?: I liked both
What is the best accent?: southern aww hot!
Who do you want to kiss?: lol hmm we’ll wait on that one…prince charming where are you?? I’m still waiting for you…lol
Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: sunrises kick butt! I love the start of a new day
Do you want to live to be 100?: no
Is a flat stomach important to you?: no..i don’t think I would like a six pack..its so hard n not soft lol
Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: no, ive never even seen one, what do they look like?
Are you loyal?: I think so
Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: umm somewhat…sometimes I just get frusterated at what they’re saying and we get into heated arguements
When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: off
Do you like your nose?: I had to look, its not bad
Do you think you can draw well?: have you seen anything I’ve drawn? haha
At what age did you find out about Santa Clause?: like 6 I think
Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: eww I hate shoes..flip flops rock n I match what I’m wearing
Do you write poetry?: occasionally
Snore?: sometimes..not like my parents and how they blow the house down..lol
Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: sides n back, I toss n turn
Cats/Dogs?: DOGS…oh my gosh I could never own a cat
Do you lick stamps?: no
Do you use an electric can opener?: yeah I’m lame I don’t even know how to use the hand held one
Have you ridden in a hot-air balloon?: no this is a sad story..so my great uncle is a pilot n he used to own a hot air balloon so before he sold it he took all my extended family up..like all 30 of them got to have a turn and I was like 5 so I was too young…that’s crap by the way..i was so mad I had to ride with my aunt along the road n watch them as they flew =( someday tho…
{..here we go..}
Like your name?: yes, not too many other ppl have it so that’s nice..
Were you named after anyone?: my middle name JoAnna is sort of after my aunt and sort of after my great great grandma Anna Bloomer..I don’t think I ever told you Case that I have a last name Bloomer on my side lol..we’re related except for the ER
Do you wish on stars?: no I always forget that that’s something ppl do!
Which finger is your favorite?: my thumbs? Haha I dunno
Do you like your handwriting?: if I can read it then I don’t care
If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?: haha if the old me was nice to the new me? I dunno I’m confused
Are you a daredevil?: when it comes to things that don’t get you into trouble yes…like legal things…but when its like a dare n theres a possibility of getting in trouble for doing it HECK no
Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? Yeah, it was a good reason tho