Apr 06, 2006 10:24
Dear Journal-
Well its been almost a week since I have had time to get on here and post anything. I am so busy with Football related things, that I dont even have time to get logged onto my own personal screen name anymore, Im always working on Runnin' Deep and Venom! oh well--
So lets see how has the week been. Saturday we had the Semi-Pro Football Team Owner's meeting. That went well. Everyone was impressed with our helmets, and how much support we have in the local community. Its because were already so known with our Youth programs that we have an overwhelming amount of support for our minor league football program. Other Semi-Pro football owners were in awe of how many sponsors we have in our first year, and how we are getting such great things for our players and dont charge nearly as much as they do to get such priviliaged things. Its a great feeling : )
After the meeting, ( which by the way took forever) we headed back up the hill, right over to tryouts/practice. We have alot of talent already on the field and more comming out every Saturday, the word is spreading that we are the team to be on. We signed a new player to our team on Saturday, this dude is bad ass. Hes about my height, my weight, ( so hes little) and hes a RB. So when the handed him off the ball, he just ducked and weaved in and out of players and NO ONE could tackle him! He was amazing! When He first came out to tryout the other players were kinda ribbin' him about his height. He just told everyone, its whats in here ( pounds on his heart) that matters, I have the will and drive to be a champion and I promise to bring that to this team. After he showed everyone what he could do EVERYONE was telling him damn your awesome! But thats the kind of players we have on this team, they all have hearts of champions.
Sunday, Ben had a birthday party for his friend Brooke from School at the Roller Ring. It was so cute when she saw that Ben was there she got up and ran to her mom and said " Mom! Ben came he really came!". It was funny. Her mom said that she was so excited when I called and RSVP'ed that Ben was going to be there. Ben was such a gentleman too. He gave her , her present and a hug and told her thank you for inviting me to your birthday. He helped her skate( really they helped each other because once they let go of each other they both would crash lol). He pulled out her seat when it was time to eat, he even asked her to take photos with him in the photo booth, which came out so cute lol. Hes such a ladies man lol. Noah had a blast too, he was running around playing games, and Matt helped him skate. We all had a blast.
After the birthday party, we all headed over to Kevin's house for a Wrestlemania party. the kids played with Kevins brothers wrestling set( he has every wrestler action figure ever made and a huge play ring). That was the rest of the night pretty much, grabed some dinner then we all went to bed.
Monday was school and gymnastics. Tuesday was school and practice. Wed. was school and packing, and cleaning up the house. I didn't want to go on spring break and have chores to come home to so I did that yesterday. Today is just last minute packing, and we will be on the road tonight.
We are going to Oklahoma to spend a week at Matts Brothers house. Its going to be so much fun, we havent been out there yet. and we havent seen them in 2 years. The kids are so excited. Its sucks when you have family that is so far away, but its always so nice when you do see them again. Its hard especially for us, even with family that is close, because we are always on the go. With something, be it the kids school and sports, or running our youth programs and minor league football. But Matt and I have been talking about this year being different, we want to make an bigger effort in getting together with family we dont see often. We are going to be back home thursday so that we can go spend easter with Danny and Joann and everyone easter egg hunting for the kids. So thats another thing to look forward to. And that will pretty much cover all the family that we havent seen in awhile. Then we can look forward to planning things over the summer with everyone : )
I got an email from Mary the other day, it was nice to hear from her again. She sounds like shes doing well, I sent her 36 photos, she was happy to get those. she said she will be leaving for Iraq for 6 months soon. She sounds so happy though, living her life the way she wants to. Im happy for her. We talked about visting each other before she does go away, so probably this summer she will come visit with us or we will go see her. Its been so long. But we talked about things and Matt talked to her too, it was good to get things out.
Ok well I have to finish packing and getting the ice chest ready. We love you all!
Quote of the day: " I didn't do it"