Mar 08, 2006 09:54
Dear Journal-
ok so your gonna be lucky if you get one post a week outa me these days haha. lets see where I left off. Ben had his assembly on Friday, when they got to his class the principle walked up to the podium and said " now this award is for the student who has always exemplifed the golden rule, has gone on and beyond his way to be a gentleman to everyone at school, has helped out whenever needed, treats others with respect and courtesy.. I would like to Award Benjamin Constuble the Golden Rule Award and present him with an All-Star Meal to Carl's Jr.", Ben's eyes just lit up and he jumped right up there and accpeted his award. Matt had the video and I had the camera and we were snaping/rolling away! We are so proud of him. Friday was also Pajama day at Ben's school so he accpeted his award in his Batman pj's and teenage mutant ninja turtle slippers lol. After the awards we gave Ben a great big hug and told him how proud we were of him, his class also won a party for having the most books read out of all the kinder. classes for the 2nd term this year.
Saturday was a busy one, Ben had his ProBowl game, he did so good. I had so many parents comming over to me asking, is he really only 5?! they couldn't beleive how good he is and for being so young. Thats my little all star : ) I had coaches asking if they can put him on their teams next year, but hes already picked the coach he wants : )We told Ben we would give him $ for every flag he pulled, man that kids gonna make us go broke haha. My parents came up , after the game they took the kids out for the day while Matt and I handled 2nd round tryouts for the Venom. I had networked all week and got a few more good guys out to the field. Matt signed about 20 guys to his team on Saturday. The team is looking really good, our coaching staff is amazing, and the players are so dedicated to us. Its a great thing.
Sunday was a really fun day. All the kid in the neighborhood always know that sunday is the only day that we are really home. so at about 10 am they all came to the door asking if Ben an Noah can come out and play, we said sure, that gave Matt and I some time to tidy up around the house and Matt to go over some O-Line Schemes with one of his offensive linemen for the Venom. After we were all done, and there were about a dozen kids in our yard, they asked us to play baseball with them. So of course, matt and Marc were all for it lol. They set up bases around the street and I decided looks like fun I'll play too. We had it all set up , a table with drinks for all the kids, snacks, and everyone at our house playing. It was so much fun : ) It was a long day of playing, for Ben an Noah from about 10 am till about 5pm. It was a really nice Sunday afternoon.
Monday I had to get in touch with a couple newspapers. the are going to run articles about our programs in the paper. The daily press is going to put our flyers in the paper for as long as we want them and is going to write up a sports brief about the Venom. We even have it going in spanish in the El Mojave paper too : ) Plus the hesperia star, and the daily dispatch. I have been recruting players so far most of this week. Getting some last min. things done for the last deal for NFL on Friday. Thats the probowl/ Coaches Banquet. Then its all about getting ready for next season.
Yesterday Matt headed down to the service for his cousin after work. The boys and I couldn't make it because of school and I had alot of Semi-pro related things to do. Matt said the service was nice and he got to see everyone. Danny invited all of us for easter so we are going to do that with them this year. Should be lots of fun for the kids.
Today I am just going to do house related things, laundry, vaccum, pick up, just the regular things that I have to do ontop of all the things I do for Our business. I am superwoman remember : )
So thats all for now, I put a pot of beans to boil and Im making up some of my famous spanish rice. I'm gonna make up some good ol mexican home cookin', just like when I was growing up.
Quote of the day: Family never forgets you no matter the distance or time apart, once you reconnect its if you never left.