Weekend already over =(

Jan 17, 2005 16:04

Well yesterday I woke up and basically just hung out around the house and cleaned my room, Did a little studying and talked on the phone with Kelley. Last night I went to Kelley's house and spent the night. We had Matt and Jewett come over and watch Napoleon Dynamite with us, although we didn't end up watching the whole thing cause me and Kelley started beating up Jewett.. aka NICKEL BOY!! =D haha Kelley had a blanket over her head threw a nickel at Jewett and hit him in the balls. Me and Kelley laughed our asses off. Then this morning me and Kell got woken up at fuckin 3:30 cause Brent and Shawn wanted to play X-box.. umm no me and kell wanted to sleep. So they finally left and then me and Kelley fell back asleep. This morning we woke up around 10:30 and got ready then Matt and Jewett came over again. Matt decided he was gonna hide on me and Kelley so me and Kelley went outside and banged on the window. But on our way over to the window I kinda slipped going down the hill and got covered in snow. So I was quite cold. Kelley over-flowed the sink trying to do dishes and all I could do was laugh at her. Jewett kept throwing pillows and shit at me and pissin me off! grrrr NICKEL BOY!! haha well now I am off to study for some cool ass finals dude. ohh yeah.. well sucks that the weekend is over. It was fun while it lasted well Science and History studying are waiting so im out.. ttyl!! =)
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