Feb 24, 2004 16:28
Haha... just had the worst day EVER! I get home and there is a dead mouse under the table and my made me take a shovel to get it out! That was so freakin gross! ...ANYWAYS... Yup vice versa is in a couple days and me, missy, and Amanda are goin "STAG" no Steph that does not mean drunk tho that may be the case too ;)! Haha Stephs goin with Brian! She asked him yesterday... o wait nvm I think I DID! Haha I luv yu steph! but ya w/e its gonna be fun... Missy, Amanda, Kara, Steph n Brian are gonna go in a group i guess. i have to go stop feeling sorry for myself! Hah im the biggest loser i know but what the heck ll.. im out so send me luv cuz im not feelin n e ryt now ha.. LATE.